Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 25th

On Friday evening, as Corbin and I sat down to enjoy a beer at Fairmont Hot Springs, we toasted to "one year living in Driggs!" It's hard to believe that we arrived on June 25th 2009, to begin this sabbatical year. One year later, we enjoy reflecting on the year and also looking forward to the whole summer still in front of us.

Challenger Soccer

This weeklong camp proved to be a good experience for all three kids. Maggie was a bit shy and hesitant, which was fine with me. I hung out at Driggs City Park each morning, so that Maggie could drift in and out as her comfort level allowed. Connor jumped right in and embraced each activity and game with his typical level of enthusiasm. Brady complained about it each morning until we got to the park, when he jumped out of the car (almost before we parked!) and ran off to join his friends. Brady's skills improved throughout the week, and his team made it to the "World Cup" finals and earned an overall 2nd place finish.

It's fun to be connected enough here to have activities for the kids. One afternoon last week, Brady went on a hike with his friend Lia and her mom, and I took Maggie and Connor for a swim at Teton Springs (we have lots of friends who are members now). That said ... we sure are enjoying an unscheduled day at home today!

Campbell Visit

Dave Campbell, his daughter Gabby, his girlfriend Kristina, and her boys Brandon and Zachary arrived late last night (Tuesday) just for one night. The plan was to make s'mores and then have the kids camp out in the wall tent. However, the weather (t-storms) and the late hour prompted us to move to Plan B ... Nilla wafers with Nutella and strawberries in the kitchen, a chess tournament for the boys, puzzles and "baby" play for Maggie and Gabby, and sleeping bags on the floor inside! Everyone slept late, enjoyed a big breakfast, explored the creek, and then the Campbell gang headed for the 4th of July in Lander!

My Cowboys

Brady is enjoying Horse 4H ("working ranch") with Harley Wilcox so much that we've now signed up for riding lessons with Heather and Harley's daughter, Ashley. We decided to make it more of a family affair -- so Brady, Connor and Corbin had their first lesson last week, with another scheduled for this Friday. Connor came out of his room dressed in all things cowboy!

Montana Trip

We had planned to take a trip to Montana sometime this summer - the idea was to combine some adventures and some visits, including a visit with our friend, Herb Morton. Herb retired from Andover last June and moved to Montana to be near his sister. Sadly, Herb was diagnosed with cancer this spring and his health has declined rather quickly. Last week we got word that Hospice had been called in, so Corbin and I decided to put things on hold and head up to MT as soon as possible. Our kids are so fond of Herb, and he of them. I've known Herb since my high school days at Andover. But it's Corbin and Herb who developed an especially nice friendship during Corbin's days in the Dean of Studies office, where Herb served as Registrar for ??? many years!

On Friday we drove up to Butte, MT and spent the night at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort ... a huge hit all around! Saturday we spent a lovely day with Herb, at his sister and brother-in-law's home in Cascade, MT. Marg and John welcomed us warmly and enabled our kids to get comfortable enough to wander in and out of Herb's room for short visits (about all Herb could handle). They enjoyed lots of play in the backyard, particularly with John who engaged them completely with his collection of BB Guns and Air Rifles! Corbin and I also got some quality time with Herb. We left there Saturday evening, feeling that we had all be uplifted by our visit ... I gather Herb also enjoyed our time there. Saturday evening we stayed at the Anderberg's house (unfortunately, the Anderbergs were out of town ... perhaps we'll need another MT trip this summer?!). While in Helena, we walked through historic downtown Helena and had a fun dinner at and Irish pub. Sunday morning, we managed to hike up Mt. Helena before heading back to Fairmont Hot Springs for another night.

I'm posting lots of pics from the Hot Springs! We intentionally did not take a picture of the kids with Herb this time ... the posted pictures with Herb are from our visit last October.

Lisa's Final 50

I am delinquent on posting this ... but I wanted to put up a couple of pictures. I did, in fact, complete Lisa's Final 50 miles on Saturday 6/19. Actually, I ended up doing a "double marathon" at Jay Batchen's "nudging!" It was a great day in many ways. Surrounded by women who've become close friends, doing something I love to do, I finished the ultrarunning chapter of my sabbatical ... and I did it as part of something much bigger than me, as part of Lisa and Sister Mary Beth's Project RHTA.

On a personal note, I felt so good ... so strong ... I know I have a sub 10 hour 50 miler in me!!!

btw ... note the Nuu Muu dresses ... I now own 2 and love them.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How can you not LOVE this face?!

Connor returned from Washington with 4 loose teeth. As we were enjoying hamburgers for dinner on Monday night, I looked at Connor and said, "Connor, your tooth fell out!" I was actually afraid he'd swallowed it, buried in a bite of burger!! But he said, "Oh that's what that was ... it's on the floor somewhere." He found it after a short search and was so excited. Now the remaining front tooth is barely hanging on ... Connor is trying desperately to get it to fall out.

I took these pictures Monday night. Seriously?!?! How can you not absolutely love this little face?!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Split Squad

Friday we had a split squad.  The boys went to Seattle for a Mariners game and the girls...well, they did what girls do.

After dropping off Dad's planer at the shop for repairs, we went to weee, an asian food market.  We marveled at all the different foods and snacked on cream puffs.  Then a quick trip through the Filson factory and store on our way to the stadium.

The Mariners got back in town from a long road trip on Friday night and kicked off their Father's Day weekend series with the Cincinnati Reds with a double bobble head doll giveaway.  The first 30,000 fans were treated to bobble heads of both Ken Griffey Jr. and Ichiro Suzuki.  We arrived at the park just after 4 p.m. for a 7 p.m. game to find the gates open but the line snaking around the stadium.  Everyone was showing up for the bobble heads.  

With our bobble heads in hand we found our seats, enjoyed the gourmet cuisine of Safeco field (read Garlic Fries), and watched a terrific game.  The Mariners won 1-0 on the back of pitcher Cliff Lee's complete game shut out.  A pitchers dual.

Back at the ranch...Mom and Maggie were having a glorious time.  They went to the nursery and pick out flowers to plant, painted their toe nails, and took a dip in the pool.  Lala joined them for happy hour and a dinner of cucumber sandwiches, strawberries and cream on the veranda.

Our Week in Yakima

Me and the boys got back last night from whoopin' it up for a week in Yakima.

Mom, Dad, and Lala showed us all a good time.  The kids liked playing in Lala's tree house under her enormous blue spruce.  It was a little cool, but we still managed a swim at the pool, soccer in the backyard, and bikes/scooters/rip sticks in the driveway.  And of course TV.  It has been awhile since we've had our hands on the remote control of cable TV.  The kids got caught up on cartoons and we all got caught up with the World Cup Soccer games.

Each of us also got special time with the grandparents.  Brady build a bird house with Papa, Maggie played dress up with Suey, and Connor and Poppa played whale in the pool.

On the first morning we were there, Connor went to the tennis courts behind the back yard to play.  After awhile I went back to check on him and he had befriended the tennis coach who was giving a group lesson to a bunch of 8-12 year olds.   The coach informed me that Connor would be perfect for this group lesson.  I said, "we'll think about it,'' and to send Connor home when they were done.  Two hours later Connor comes home for lunch swinging a borrowed racket.  After a quick sandwich he was back to the tennis courts for more.  Connor spent the next two days on the tennis courts taking lessons, making friends, and hitting balls.

I had saved a few books on tape for the drive home.  We all enjoyed many laughs listening to the stories of  Bill Harley.  Nancy was waiting for us with open arms and a great dinner.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


We surprised Suey on Sunday afternoon with a retirement party.  June 30 is her last day of work.  She and I walked around Bend in the morning while everyone else decorated and prepared for the party.  Then when we came back to Sarah's house they all jumped out from behind whatever they were hiding behind and yelled, "Surprise."

Amy collect pages of memories and thoughts that we all made and put them together a terrific book we presented Mom.  Pretty soon she'll be put out to pasture---see Green Acres post.

Green Acres

Mom and Dad bought the farm---or at least nearly 10 acres outside of Redmond.  We walked the property, talked about dreams and ideas, and soaked in the views of the snow capped volcanos of Oregon from their back porch.

This is a view looking west.  The property line is along the row of pines in the background.

This is a view looking East and you can see a piece of the house peeking out from the trees on the knoll in the background.

Maggie and I enjoyed a soak after "walking the property."

One night we slept in the house with all the cousins.  We stayed up late listening to the tree frogs and looking at the stars.  Much of the conversation was about the plans to remodel the house.  All the kids all had ideas of what they wanted to have on the farm; baseball field, dirt bike track, water slide, horses, etc.  There is enough land for it all.  Connor is calling it the Farm of Dreams.

Weekend @ the Nelsons

We just finished a wonderful weekend at the Nelsons.   The house was full of grandparents, sisters, brothers, and cousins.  Saturday was spent getting ready for Cassidy's dance recital that afternoon. Sarah was the hair stylist while Suey and Phyllis did makeup and costume.  Maggie was involved in the entire process and sat wide-eyed on Tom's lap for the whole the recital.

Meals are a big deal at the Nelsons.  Anyone who can cook over 15 pancakes at a time is serious.

It was great to get everyone together and laugh, joke, smile, and have fun.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Home Alone

I had a good trip to Andover (despite some annoying travel delays heading east). Meetings proved helpful and worthwhile. In taking this job last December, I had hope that there is a positive connection between a job you love and a happy home life ... my time in Andover reassured me that this is not a silly idea. I am very excited about what I'll be doing, and I am buoyed by my boss' genuine support of me and of our family life. Granted, the pace of the past few days turned me upside down ... too much in too little time ... evenso, I have more faith that our return to Andover can and will be a positive experience for all of us. Of course, as soon as I saw the Tetons as I landed in Jackson, I just felt my whole entire self exhale ...

Much of my faith in a happy return I am sure has to do with the short, but deeply rich, time spent with my family. I had a wonderful evening with my parents and Maribeth and 4 of her children. I missed Michael. Those children have grown so much ... I have always thought of MB as the mom any kid is so lucky to have ... and seeing her happy, well-adjusted, polite, articulate, eccentric, confident kids who are so caring toward each other, I was reminded of MB as a child! I also had a wonderful evening with our best friends, the Greens. Kath and Chad and their 3 children will spend next year in South Africa. In essence we will all be apart for 2 years. However, knowing what I know about what this year has been for us, my happiness for them and the year they have ahead transcends any sadness I have in being away from them for another year. I shared some special moments with each child. The time with the Bechtold and Green children was a big highlight of this trip.

Corbin reports a fun and celebratory trip to Oregon. They had a surprise party for Sue's retirement and a lot of good family time. Corb and the kids are now in Washington with Sue and Gary. Brady has already made a birdhouse with Gary. Connor ventured to the nearby tennis courts and befriended the tennis instructor yesterday. Today he took a lesson and apparently there will be another lesson tomorrow! Maggie is as playful as always ... good to know she can do that anywhere.

Now I am home alone. I'm good at being alone. But I have that uneasy feeling you get when your family is not with you. And I find that free time makes me want to be uber-productive! Hmmm ... maybe I need to work on this being alone thing ... I just know that I will be VERY happy when Corb and the kids return home.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Separate vacations ...

I never thought I'd see this day ... early tomorrow morning, Corbin will drive West with the three kids. He'll spend a few days in Central Oregon with his whole family, then head to Yakima, WA to spend a few more days with Gary and Sue. The kids are very excited about time with their cousins. They will also have time in the pool at "Suey and Poppa's," and all the boys will hit "Bobble Head Doll Night" at a Mariners' game, while Sue and Maggie have a little girl time!

Saturday morning I will fly East for some job training. Despite, a ridiculously (eastern) packed scheduled, I will get to see my friend, Kath, and my parents during my stay! I'll return mid-week in time to have a day or two to myself (!!!) and then run Lisa's Final 50 miles with her on Sat 6/19.

I think I'll be a little lonely here in my log cabin. I think that will be good for me ... for a short time, anyway.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Who IS that guy?

The reactions to Corbin, after shaving his beard, have been absolutely entertaining. While the kids and I were amazed at the change, we recognize clean-shaven Corb as a guy we know well. In town, people walk by him without recognizing him. In fact, people have talked to him without realizing who he is!

At the first 4H meeting last week, Harley invited Corbin into his house, wondering, "Who the heck is this guy?" He finally realized who it was when Brady joined them at the table and Harley just started laughing, fully admitting, "I had no clue who you were!" And Harley is someone with whom we've spent some time.

This reaction has been recreated in quite a few situations. Corb and I laugh about it! It is kind of funny to stop and reflect on the fact that in many ways Corb with the beard represented a big part of who he is ... and is a part that is not revealed to many ... and yet people here don't recognize him without it. Ahh ... sabbatical. Ahh ... Driggs. We love our life here.

Of course I loved the beard. And I think he looks absolutely adorable without it!

Two plays - Connor's last game

Connor had his last baseball game on Monday night (can't believe the season's over!!!). We were running late after spending the day shopping in Idaho Falls and Connor had to change into his uniform in the car and run to catch his chance at bat.

At his first at bat, he struck out. He was resilient and continued to play well with his normal intense level of enthusiasm. He had a couple of great hits and was active in fielding. In fact, he wisely got out of a potential "pickle." There are two plays that must be recorded here. Note that all day today, we've been playing the game of "what's the call?" with some hypothetical baseball scenarios.

Play #1: Connor hits a double and is safe on second base. The next hitter gets strike one. The catcher overthrows back to the pitcher and the second baseman is slow to respond. Connor jumps off the base, fields the ball, and throws accurately back to the pitcher. Fans laugh in amazement, coaches exchange looks and agree to let it go.

Play #2: Connor is on deck. The batter fouls with a ball that pops up back toward the backstop. The catcher is too far to catch it and doesn't make a move. The ball was heading for Connor's head, but he was watching. With the bat in his right hand, he casually reaches up with his left hand (with a batting glove on), grabs the ball out of the air, and tosses the ball back to the pitcher (with his left hand). Fans call, "Nice catch" and the coaches just chuckle.

Our Little Cowboy

Brady had his second 4H Club meeting tonight. Last week was paper work and getting organized. This week the kids needed to show up with hats and boots for riding. They started by brushing the horses and learning how to saddle a horse. Then they got to ride. Brady and his friend, Elsa, were the least pushy ... kind of sitting back and observing while others were saying "Harley can I ride next? Can I ride that horse?" It was nice that Harley was observant and patient ... his quiet comment as he got to Brady and Elsa was, "Those who ride last, ride longest."

While Corb stayed at 4H with Brady, I took Connor and Maggie to the track on bikes for a little "mommy" workout. Susie (Elsa's mom) and Heather (Harley's wife) showed up at the track (along with a few other moms and kids). We had a marvelous time ... good speed workout for those of use who need it and nice social visit during recovery time! Connor was very entertained by a softball game on the field next to the track, and Maggie was great running around her her soccer cleats!

Nice end to the day ... Brady's response to "favorite part of my day" was ... "I can't decide there were so many!" We had his friend, Lea, over for a good part of the day and they found MANY adventures on their bikes and then played a good round of soccer in the backyard, with the new net we bought in Idaho Falls yesterday. This afternoon we had a short trip downtown and the kids got "99cent Rootbeer Floats" at Corner Drug. They were offering a special for our neighbor, Mike Ehredt, who is running across the country placing a flag every mile for a life lost in Iraq. Mike came through Driggs today. When we found the flag downtown, Brady was very excited because he remembers helping to assemble the flags before Mike's run began. Many nice moments for Brady today!