Saturday, May 22, 2010

Miss Stephanie

Our kids have been in daycare for 10 years. One generalization Corbin and I have agreed upon is that while they are in preschool, the quality of the teacher can far outweigh the school or administration. While they are in school beyond Kindergarten, the school or admin can outweigh the value of a good teacher. Of course, we are overgeneralizing ... but ...

While we have liked the school that Maggie is in this year ... we have LOVED her teacher. In the 10 years we've had the kids in daycare and preschool, Stephanie is BY FAR the best teacher we've encountered. A disagreement with the administration of the school ended with Stephanie being forced to end the year early. Fortunately, the children have adjusted rather well, and the parents, admin, teachers have done a good job with the transitions. However, our support of Stephanie prompted a party to celebrate a great year for our kids and to thank Stephanie for her love, care, support, and teaching of our children. It was a happy day in the park, with families of shared values coming together ... to thank our teacher and to just be together. One of the best gatherings we've attended (and helped organize) this year!

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