Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Still Recovering ...

... from our Fourth of July Weekend! When the 4th falls on a Sunday here, it's tradition to celebrate on Saturday. Of course, that also means that events get added in on all of the surrounding days. We started our busy weekend on Thursday, July 1st. We all went to the Spud Drive-In to see Toy Story 3 that night. We met up with a bunch of friends, then all retreated to our separate cars for the movie, which began at 9:45pm. It was a late night. On Friday, we had Brady's friend, Lia, over and we all biked downtown. The festivities included a farmers' market with music, the annual antique show, "Friday fish tacos," and snowcones at "Snowy." Friday afternoon the boys had riding lessons (Corb will blog that separately), while Maggie and I biked back downtown for the "Art Walk," which involved Maggie and friends creating art with sidewalk chalk. By Friday night, we were too tired to make it to the rodeo.

Saturday morning, we ventured to Victor for the 4th of July Parade. This parade gives out more candy than any parade I've ever seen! We watched with our friends, the Russells. We stood at the beginning of the route, then Brady and Elsa Russell jumped on a horse-drawn wagon which was at the end of the parade. The wagon was escorted by our friend, Harley Wilcox and his daughters on horseback. Heather was in the wagon and all of their 4H kids were welcome to be on board. While riding through the parade route, Brady threw out all of the candy he'd collected! So cute!! From the parade, we went straight up to Targhee, where I participated in "Wray's Wrun," a race up Fred's Mountain. I hiked a lot of it, but moved as fast as I could. It was humbling, but I'm happy I did it. This was the first section of the marathon I ran in September. In the marathon, this section took me over an hour; on Saturday I finished it in under 47 minutes. Although I wish I could have gone faster, I'm calling it a success! Then Saturday night, we all went to Huntsman Springs for the guest speaker and the fireworks. The guest speaker was a very controversial subject in town in recent weeks, with many letters to the editor in the local newspapers. The Huntsmans brought in Glen Beck to speak. Corbin and I were unfamiliar with him, so we were very interested in all the uprising. We decided to take the risk and attend. Glen was able to refrain from offending too many and the night was what I'd call a success. It was a very patriotic night. When the orchestra played the songs of all branches of the military and asked those who'd ever served to stand for their song, I proudly stood when I heard, "Off we go into the wild blue yonder ..." Many of our friends were there, among the many thousands (I'd say at least 3 times the valley population) who attended -- this was a big event in this area. We were spread out, but were able to visit each other and mingle a bit. The fireworks were spectacular ... the kids had a very fun night.

Maggie has taken to Heather, Harley, and their daughters - and welcomed them up at Targhee with huge hugs. Harley carried her around all afternoon. Then Maggie chose to sit with them at the fireworks Saturday night. Much of the night she was snuggled up with Harley and his daughter, Reagan ... much the way she watched Cassidy's entire recital on Uncle Tom's lap!

Sunday we finally got to the rodeo, after a brief stop at Teton Valley Creamery which just opened. They serve gelato made with cream from a local farmer ... YUM!!! Our stop at the creamery made us miss the flag brigade (carried by Reagan and Cheyenne Wilcox) ... bummer, but we did see Harley in team roping and our friends, Chris and Madison Miller, in barrel racing. It was a fun afternoon. Sunday night was finally an early night to bed.

Monday found us all sleeping very late!! We have enjoyed relatively cool weather (60s-70s) for the past few days, and have kept active enough to make us all pretty tired this whole week. Tonight Corbin is finally off fishing while the kids are happy to sit in front of a movie ... I don't think we've turned the DVD on for them since they got back from Washington!!

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