Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Just Another Fun Weekend!

The Friday night rodeo lasts only through the month of July. With visitors arriving this coming weekend, we figured last Friday would be our last rodeo of the summer. Tim, Tizzy, and Sam Benson joined us, and we had a nice chance to catch up with the Wilcox family. We also got to watch Harley in team roping. All three kids decided to participate in the "calf scramble," where kids up to age 12 are invited into the arena to chase a few calves with ribbons on their tails. The kids who capture the ribbons are rewarded with certificates for milkshakes or pizzas. While no Lang came back with a ribbon, they all had fun running around with all the other kids.

The second part of Harry Potter #7 (Deathly Hallows?) is playing at Pierre's Playhouse in Victor, and I had promised both boys that I'd take them at some point. The Saturday afternoon matinee seemed the best option, so we met Sue, Lia and Jory for the show. Connor loved it; Brady did not enjoy it so much; I was interested enough in the outcome (after seeing part one) to watch!

Saturday evening we were invited to a big potluck bbq dinner at a ranch down near the river. Unfortunately, we didn't take pictures - except for the one that shows that the swan, the duck and the goose were all chumming around together, which completely amused me! They had horses, alpacas, geese, and a big pond with huge fish that Connor enjoyed reaching in and touching. He, of course, came home soaked through! The evening gave us a nice chance to visit with the Batchens, the Russells, the Browns, and the Goodells, to meet and get to know some new friends ... and to enjoy time in a beautiful spot in the valley.

Sunday morning, I met Susy for a great trail run in Horseshoe Canyon. We did Bovine and Southbound, which is my second favorite trail run. I have yet to run my favorite - Rick's Basin and Quakie Ridge (up at Targhee). Snow, bear tracks, and festival weekends up there have delayed that run. However, I hope to do it this weekend!

Last Thursday our grill died on us for good, and we were excited to replace it! Sunday night we gave it a trial run and had the Russells over for a bbq dinner - a really nice evening for all of us.

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