Friday, July 27, 2012

Another Lazy Day in the Valley

We had another lazy summer day in the valley.  Nancy went for a hike with Martha Doyle and Kath up to Devil's Staircase while I stayed home and made waffles.  Nancy was back before noon.   After lunch we rode our bikes to the Creamery to help cool off these warm summer afternoons.
Riding Downtown

Cooling off During a hot July Afternoon

Maggie, Lia, Brady, Connor

Connor Riding Home on the Bike Path

Mornings at the Skate Park

The cool mornings have been perfect for a bike ride to the skate park.

The first time we went this summer, Maggie wanted to ride her own bike.  About half way there, she fell, skinning her knee and tearing her black leggings.  She bravely stood up, brushed herself off, and asked to take the trailer-bike.  So we rode back home, switched to the trailer-bike, and resumed our outing.

Both Maggie and Connnor love to use their scooters at the park.  Maggie comes up with different "paths" over the various obstacles.  She says, "Daddy, watch this" with each new "path" she invents.  Her balance is impressive.

Connor is also very skilled on the various walls and obstacles, but he loves to climb up the walls.   After disappearing into the "bowl," Connor magically appears by climbing up the lip.  His latest accomplishment, after many many practices, is making it up the steepest part of the bowl. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tin Cup ... and thensome

Saturday morning (7/21) Gary and Sue left at about 6am.  It was the morning of the 5th Annual Tin Cup Challenge, the biggest fundraiser for all non-profits in the valley.  It includes a bunch of road races and a fair in the park.  I have not been training for anything long and was thinking I might walk the 5k with kids or jog the 10k for fun.  However, earlier in the week when I had a chance to walk with Tammy and Sharon, Sharon talked me into considering the 1/2 marathon.  We agreed that we could probably do it "off the couch" if we took a walk/run approach and agreed to abandon all notions of time.  Heather was up for joining us, so Heather, Sharon and I did it together.  We did a very comfortable combination of running and walking ... with lots of positive talk and laughter along the way.  Heather ended up with a PR and we all finished with smiles.  I actually felt great during the entire run, and hydrated well with Heed and water.  However, as soon as I finished I didn't feel well.  I drank my recovery drink, sat in the shade and convinced myself that I was fine.  But after walking around the park with the kids in the heat, I was feeling worse.  Corb noticed and announced it was time to head home.  He was just in time as I was definitely hit with a case of heat stroke.  I needed the entire day to recover, with good care from Corb and the kids.  Although we'd planned on the pool, we decided no more sun and just rest at home.

By Sunday, I was feeling better and we headed to the pool.  We got in a decent hour or so before the thunderstorms hit, just after the Greens arrived.  So we enacted Plan B -- Corb took Connor and Caden to our house and Kath and I took the rest to her house.  Kath and I enjoyed sitting on the porch drinking coffee, watching the storms while the kids watched "Sister Act 2."  Chad and Lynnie were fishing the South Fork with a guide (Hope Strong, of the local newspaper) and took shelter in a permanent campsite for the storm, but enjoyed good fishing.

Sunday evening, after an easy BLT dinner, we headed up to the Russell's home in Tetonia for an evening visit.  Susy and Jeff have been working so hard that it's not been easy to find time together.  We have hopes of doing a hike (over the top, we hope!) together, but we were happy to get a nice Sunday evening visit on their deck while the kids played.  The sunset was breathtaking.

Monday was a perfect family Targhee day.  We had a relaxing, sleep-in morning (who am I kidding? we have those all the time :-)!!) ... then Corb biked up to Targhee while I drove up with the kids.  Once up there, Brady decided to do the climbing wall (after doing one at the Tin Cup fair and reigniting his interest).  He rocked it, by the way.  When Corb got there, I went for a recovery trail run.  I am so scared of wildlife (and knowing that a bear cub was spotted the day before didn't help), that I ran with my music on without headphones and was talking the whole time - as if I were with a group!!  I did a warmup loop on the "hamster" trails - down by the horse stables.  Then I did some stretching on the gravel road.  Feeling good, I decided to run up Bannock as far as I could.  I made it to the top of Shoshone and turned back and ran down ... a good recovery day for me ... confidence restored!  The pool felt great after that.  Then Corb and Connor biked down to Teton Canyon, where we picked them up on the way home.  Everyone got a little something out of the day (Maggie just loves to swim) and all were happy.

Heather PRs!

Sharon and Nancy after "off the couch" 1/2 marathon!

Kids play Flag Football at Russells, note alpenglow on Tetons!
Brady on the Rock Wall at Targhee

The "hard" route

Lucie, Maggie, Connor, Bode, Caden, Dylan, Brady at Brakeman

Monday evening, we picked up Bode Calder and headed to Victor for pickup baseball.  We met the Greens and Caden, Connor, & Bode played baseball.  Will Russell was there, and Corb was recruited for a little outfield coaching.  We all went to the Brakeman for burgers afterward -- party of 12 ... the Greens with Lynnie and us with Bode.  It was a very good day!

Table Mountain

Kath and Corb climb the final section to the top

Feels as if you can reach out and touch the Tetons

Attempted photo of ourselves!

Kath and Corb - wildflowers blooming on the hike down

Chillin in the creek - Teton Creek, that is!
With Gary and Sue here, Corb and I wanted to take a day hike together.  We had been hoping that maybe we could hike with Kath and Chad, especially since Lynnie was visiting them at the same time so we all had natural childcare, but we weren't sure it would come together since the Greens had been camping all week.  However, on Thursday afternoon, we contacted Kath and Chad to see if they might be up for a last minute hike up Table on Friday (they were arriving home on Thursday night).  They rallied, and we picked them up at 6:45am and headed to the trailhead.  Cloud cover and a bit of drizzle kept us very cool on the hike up.  We started up the face at 7:30 and were up on top by 10am.  We spent about 45 minutes up on top and savored the fabulous views.  Corb and I did this hike for the first time 5 years ago, and I then claimed it my favorite hike - because of the unbelievable views.  Since then I've been up about 3 times before this one and we've decided our favorite route is to hike up the face (fastest way up) and down the traditional route (gentler decline and beautiful the whole way).  It was Kath and Chad's first time up, and they were as awestruck as we were ... and continue to be each time.  We were down by 2:15, and soaked our feet in the creek before heading to the Wolf for a beer and some appetizers.  We were treated to dinner cooked by Gary and Sue when we got home - it was their last night here as they planned to leave early Saturday morning.

Gary and Sue Visit - and bring Connor back!

A game of "Categories" with the Russell kids

Triple Decker

Brady and Tim

Will, Connor, Ann, Maggie - movie time!

Maggie and Grandma Suey

Brady and Lia at Music on Main

Crazy photo

Maggie, Gabby, Isabel

Everyone hides in the back to avoid going home!
Gary, Sue and Connor arrived on Sunday evening - soon after Brady returned from his camping trip with Lia.  All were welcomed home with a fun dinner of TWR burgers on the back deck, followed by a fire and s'mores.  Monday was a very rainy day, so fishing plans were cancelled and we had a very quiet day.  Gary took advantage of the opportunity for some alone time with each kid (after a week with Connor) and took Maggie out to breakfast on Monday and Brady out to breakfast on Tuesday - both at TWR Grill.  While Corb and Gary went on their camping/fishing adventure (Tues-Thurs), Sue and I hung out with the kids.  Tuesday afternoon Sue hung with the kids at Pioneer Park in Victor, while I got in a social walk with Sharon and Tammy.  We met at the library afterward, and of course went to the Emporium for shakes!  Wednesday, I took my kids and the Russell kids to the Targhee pool and then back here for a movie, while Sue had a successful Jackson shopping trip.  Wednesday evening, Brady helped Sue Cicero and Lia serve dinner to hundreds of bikers from the "Tour de Wyoming" bike tour.  We got lots of compliments on how wonderful and helpful Brady was!  Thursday, Sue and I took our kids and Lia to the pool, then just after Corb and Gary returned, I took our kids and Lia to Music on Main, where they met up with the Russells and had a fun evening.

Music at Teton Springs

On the Tuesday evening during the week Maggie had Dance Camp, Karee Miller was performing at the Headwaters Grille at Teton Springs, so Corb and I picked up Maggie and spent the evening enjoying Karee's music.  Maggie hung out with Tammy's daughter Rudy a bit.  At one point during the evening, Rudy approached Karee and said "Ree, can I sing now?" so Karee handed over the mike!  It was a very cute moment.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Camping on the Green River

Dad and I had the most wonderful camping trip last week.  Late morning on Tuesday we started the drive to the Green River near Pinedale.  This was our day to scout the river, takeouts, and get lay of the land.  Our first stop was Warren Bridge.  The water and campsites up river from the Warren Bridge both looked outstanding.  Then we drove down to the Fish Hatchery ramp and then down to the Daniel boat ramp.  After driving to a few more lower takeouts (the Cage aka Summers and Huston) we had a good sense of this section of the river we went to the Two Rivers Emporium for local knowledge and fishing licenses.  After picking up two pizzas at Wind River Pizza we drove back to the camp ground #2 to wade fishing until sunset.
Setting up at Camp Ground #2
We woke up early on Wednesday and drove into town for a bland and unimpressive breakfast.  We got back to the ramp at camp ground #2 and were on the water by 9 am.  Right away the hatch was on and the fish were feeding at the end of the riffles.  Fishing was good all day, especially if you had a size 16 peacock body stimulator.  We couldn't "fall asleep" oars and had to keep maneuvering.  We took out at the Fish Hatchery around 3:30 and then we were onto scout the New Fork.

We drove south of Daniel until we could cut over to Marbleton and finally meet up with the New Fork.  It looked great and supposedly there is a take out nearby called East Fork, but we couldn't find it.  We found the Boulder ramp and the ramp off Tyler Ave. in Pinedale.  We concluded that the first few miles of the New Fork is hemmed in with willows and the channel is relatively narrow.  Thus, we decided to save this section for another trip.  By this time, both of us are parched, so we headed to the Wind River Brewery for burgers and to watch the baseball game.  We made it back to campground #2 just as it got dark and watched a deer graze on the opposite bank of the river.
Dad Fishing the Quigley for Browns
Thursday morning bright and early we found ourselves having breakfast with the oil men at the Wrangler.  The choices were too many and too tempting; steak and eggs, biscuits and gravy, hash skillet, or chicken fried steak.  Plus the coffee was bottomless.  We both were in heaven with the chicken fried steak breakfast with hash browns, two eggs, and buttered white toast.  Almost too good to leave, but there were fish to be caught.  We put in at the Fish Hatchery around 9 a.m. and again the bugs were coming off the riffles and fish were feeding on them.  I threw a foam back rusty emerged and Dad threw a PMD Quigley emerger, both worked well.  While this section of the river was easier to row, we still had to do our share of rowing.  The fishing seemed to turn off around noon.  We took out at Daniel around 2:30.  After a quick stop for gas and fountain dew at the Daniel Junction store we were back on the road to Driggs and made it home in time for Dad to take Mom out for dinner.

This is definitely one of the highlights of the summer for me.  We had a great time and with any luck Dad and I can return next summer.

Girls Only

With Brady camping for Lia's birthday and Connor still with Grandma Sue and Poppa Gary, we had a girls only float down the Teton.  We floated from Buxton to Bates.  Nancy spotted a bull moose with paddles in velvet, I spotted a bald eagle, and Maggie spotted all the fish.  We even got Nancy on the sticks while I fished!  A great way to spend the afternoon.
Two Bald Eagles on the Telephone Pole

The Rewards With Nancy on the Oars

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dance Camp

Maggie in front of "Curtain" she made

Waiting for "Firework" music to start

Mags and Corb after show

Mags and Nancy after show

Mags with teacher, Patricia!

This past week, Maggie participated in a Dance Camp, run by our friend Patricia, at Teton Springs.  Camp was everyday from 8:30-5:00, with a culminating performance on Friday evening at 6pm.  Patricia did a wonderful job with the kids - and helped them create a performance where they did everything - music selection, choreography, set design, costume choices, program, etc.  Each of the kids had the opportunity to dance in small groups, large groups and solos.  Maggie did a solo to "Dynamite," small group dances to "Lucky Star" and "Firework" and the large group opening and closing dances.  It was a really fun and uplifting night.  The kids were so cute and so excited about performing for their families.

Maggie was a little disappointed that her brothers weren't there for the show - Connor was still in Oregon and Brady had left for a weekend camping trip with Lia's family (to Island Park Reservoir).  We took videos, so she can share those with the boys when they return!  While we miss the boys, we've enjoyed a couple of days of alone time with Maggie.  I will sleep better tonight, though, once everyone's home again!!

Bike Ride in the Park

We set off for our annual ride in the Park yesterday.  It was a different trip this year with Connor visiting Gramma Sue and Poppa in Redmond and Brady camping with Lia.  Maggie also decided that she didn't want the trailer bike.

Although the overcast skies partially obscured the tops of the peaks, it meant cooler temperatures.  

We set off from the Taggart Lake parking lot and rode towards Jenny Lake for a couple of miles.  At some point, Maggie decided she wanted to turn around and we rode back to the truck.  A quick snack on the tailgate and we were off to our favorite place in Jackson for panini's.  

A quick tour of the usual retail stores lead us over to the playground so Maggie could do the monkey bars.  Then back in the truck for a ride over the pass to meet the Russell's for dinner at the TWR Grill.

Connor Time

Connor and Cass at pool - Inn at Seventh Mountain

Connor and Zach at pool

Connor gets Shasta to do some tricks

Connor and Amy have a special day
Connor has had a very full week in Central Oregon.  He's had lot of time with his cousins - playing basketball, pickleball, volleyball, swimming at the pool, having sleepovers!  He has had special times with Grandma Sue and Poppa Gary.  And he even got a full day of fun with Aunt Amy, including time with Jack and Trudy and a sleepover!  Gary, Sue, and Connor are on the road today (Sunday), and we expect them for dinner.  On the phone last night, Connor sounded as if he'd had a wonderful time ... and missed us enough that he's ready to come home :-) ... I can't wait for an evening of snuggles!