Sunday, July 1, 2012

Has it Really Been 10 Days?

I can't believe it's already been 10 days since the kids and I arrived.  We've managed to do quite a bit in that time ... yet I was commenting to Corbin the other night that there's so much that we all still want to do!  That's how it feels each summer, I suppose ... I'm still acclimating.

Corbin has posted some things ... here are a few to add:

Last Sunday morning (June 24th), I ran the "Fandango Fun K" with Heather in the morning, then we all went to the Fandango Festival at Linn Canyon Ranch that afternoon.  It was an afternoon of free outdoor concerts, all organized and MCed by my friend Karee Miller (Miller Sisters and Mandatory Air).  We went to this last year and knew it should be a repeat!

Monday (June 25th), while Corb and Chad enjoyed an evening fish on the Teton, Kath and the kids and I had dinner at the Greens.  It was a late night, but very fun.  One highlight was that Caden and Connor were invited to join Bode Calder for pickup baseball in Victor.  They plan to do this every Monday night all summer, so Connor and Caden are very excited.  Incidentally, Will Russell was on the same team and will likely join them in future weeks!

Wednesday (June 27th), I managed to sneak in a walk, and catchup visit, with my friend Tammy.  That was on the morning after the big Lang/Green sleepover here.

Thursday (June 28th), although we had planned a bit of a down day (we did get the boys to mow the lawn and sand the picnic table), I got a last minute invitation from Heather to join her and a group for an outing to Rexburg.  Heather's close friend Stephanie, with whom I've spent some time over the past few years, was actually our host.  Stephanie's family owns "Walters Ready Mix" in Rexburg and her father-in-law transformed the flooded gravel pit into a wonderfully fun gathering place for family and friends - dock with slide and swimming area, paddle boats, jet ski with wakeboards/tube/skis, covered picnic area, etc.  We've talked about going for over a year now, so I jumped at the chance and took our kids, plus Lucie Green.  It was a relatively short afternoon, but we got to try out a few activities and left the kids hoping to return again this summer.  After a quick turnaround at home, we managed to get to the first Music on Main for a couple of hours that evening.

Friday (June 29th) ... Farmer's Market, relatively quiet day (Brady went to pool with Greens), Jeff Russell joined us for dinner.  Susie and the kids are on vacation on the east coast -- we look forward to their return in about a week.

Saturday (June 30th), we headed to Targhee early.  Corbin biked up and I drove with the kids.  Then Corb and the kids hung at the pool, while I participated in my 3rd "Wrun for Wray," also known as the Targhee Hill Climb.  It's about 3 miles, with about 2000 feet of elevation gain.  I essentially power walked the whole thing and had good energy for a strong run at the finish :-)  I was pleased with my time, as Jay Batchen put it "not bad for a flat-lander!"  After a quick trip to Victor to exchange some books to keep the kids well-stocked, we biked down to "Celebrate America" at the Hunstman Reserve. As Corbin (with Mags on the trail-a-bike) led with Brady, Connor and Lia following, I brought up the rear, and I had one of those "I feel so supremely happy right now" moments that I consciously etched it into my memory.  The celebration was fun - air show, magician, hypnotist, BMX show, many inflatables, etc - but very hot!!  By the time we got home at 7pm, Corb and I were about ready for bed! We enjoyed a nice dinner on the deck, with TWR hamburgers and hotdogs and corn, then Brady left to for a sleepover at Lia's, where they could watch the fireworks from her roof.  The rest of us were in bed before they began!

Today, Sunday July 1st, we are having a quiet morning.  We had originally planned to drive to Oregon today, but found out that the Figure 8 Races are scheduled for 2pm this afternoon.  While that sounds ridiculously hot and somewhat unappealing to me, our boys would not forgive us if we missed this favorite activity of the summer (usually scheduled for the end of the county fair in August, but moved this year to entice more crowds and racers).  Plus, Corbin has been a judge (lap counter) for the past two years and has agreed to help out again this year.

Tomorrow morning we are planning on an early departure to head to central Oregon for a few days.  We are all excited to spend time with our Lang family cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents!

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