Sunday, August 12, 2012

Just Another Full Weekend Here in Teton Valley!

Raptors on the Ranch

Brady helping Heather gather eggs

Harley had to kill this mountain lion in self defense, when he was in 5th grade!
Friday morning, as usual, brought us all to Farmers Market.  Friday afternoon, Corb and Chad decided to fish the Teton.  They don't usually fish on the weekends, when it's most crowded, but with time feeling short they decided to grab the opportunity.  Kath and I shuttled them early so that we could hang at our house for pizza and a movie with the kids.  Saturday morning, I took our kids to "Raptors on the Ranch" at the land trust.  We got to see a golden eagle, a great horned owl, a harris hawk ... and the bald eagle that just happened to be perched on the post above!  There was a great flight demo with the harris hawk.  The face-painting was the most professional I've ever seen so of course Maggie got a beautiful butterfly!  Connor made a golden eagle mask, and we all enjoyed a lunch of TWR burgers and Grand Teton Brewery soda.  We all spent the afternoon at the Targhee pool with the Greens, and then headed to the Wilcox's for dinner.  They were generous to host after a long day at the county fair, where both Reagan and Cheyenne earned the right to go to the state fair in 3-4 events each!  We enjoyed socializing with a fun crowd, and Connor was thrilled that Harley agreed to show him the mountain lion pelt from the lion he killed when he was in 5th grade!!  We did end our evening early, since the boys and I were planning an early hike on Sunday morning.

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