Sunday, June 22, 2014

Meanwhile ... Back in Andover, Part II (Connor)

On Thursday June 19th, Bancroft Elementary School hosted its final "5th Grade Moving On Ceremony."  The new school has been built and the old school will be demolished this summer.  During the ceremony, each student comes to the microphone to state his/her favorite Bancroft Memory, and then receive a certificate.  Connor's favorite memory was "playing Predator/Prey at Outdoor Ed."  After the ceremony, there was a brief reception and photo opportunity.  Then the entire class was invited to a pool party at the Haverhill Country Club.

While these events were wonderful, it was what happened that afternoon that marked the day so profoundly for me.  Connor has been a "gym helper" this year.  He not only assisted in a kindergarten class, but he also assisted the kids who needed additional physical education, primarily due to physical challenges.  Connor really shone in this area.  He has a wonderful way with others and the phys ed teachers repeatedly shared, with Corbin and me, their high praise for Connor's time with all of the kids. So today, Connor asked me if I could find some whistles that he could give the two teachers as parting gifts.  I picked them up this afternoon, then left to drive Brady somewhere.  When I came home, I found that Connor had written thank you notes to the two teachers.  They were so heartfelt, with messages about what he had gained through the experiences of the year and thanking them for the opportunity!  To top it off, Connor had also written thank you notes to the principal (with whom he's had a rocky relationship! -- and the note called that out and was genuine) and to Mr. Iriving, without whom we would not have made it to this day!  Connor printed the photo below and included it with the note to Mr. Irving.  I was overflowing with pride as I read these notes.  Connor is such a wonderfully sensitive and reflective child.

Note - Friday (6/20) was the final day of school (1/2 day), and when Connor presented Mr. Rex and Mrs. Graham (PE teachers) with the notes and whistles, they handed him a note and gift (Andover t-shirt, Orange Leaf GC and a really kind thank you note to him!).

Connor and Margaret Before the Ceremony

Nancy, Margaret, Connor
Connor with Grammy and Grampy after the Ceremony

Tommy, Lucas, Connor, Drew, Chris
Connor with Mr. Irving

Pool Party at Haverhill Country Club

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