Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Tuesday:  Skate skied Teton Springs while Brady and Nancy skated at the rink in Victor's Pioneer Park during Brady's winter sports activity.  Connor swims at Green Mountain Hot Springs for his winter sports activity.

Wednesday:  Maggie was sick and kept us up half the night.  She stayed home from school.  We watched Cinderella while Nancy went for a run with the girls.  She's getting ready for an ultra in Vegas in April.

Thursday:  Parent teacher conferences today.  Maggie is still sick and with both boys home we had family cleaning day.  This morning we all scrubbed something.  Have I mentioned how nice it is to be able to plug the vacuum into one outlet and reach the whole house?---Brady got that job today.  After cleaning and teacher conferences, Nancy dropped me in Alta (see photo) so I could skate ski while she and the kids went to the dump.  We met back at the Alta Library, checked out some books, and made it home in time for the boys to change into their gi and head to judo.  Maggie stayed home and fell asleep on the couch with the sunlight shining through the window.  By the way, both boys got good reports from their teachers.

The Alta Library just moved into the new building last week.  It's across the parking lot from the school and next door to the church.  Connor, Maggie, and I went to the grand opening.  They had food (potluck---I love potlucks!), music,  and crafts.  Maggie used stamps and glitter to make a picture to go into a commemorative book---I wonder if it will still be there in 20 years?  This picture of the two of us making the page appeared in the Valley Citizen this week.

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