Sunday, April 18, 2010

Beards, Braids, Beer, Bikinis ... Closing Day at Targhee!

Corb and I fit right in at Targhee today (well, any day really, but today was closing day) ... Corb with his beard, me with my braids! No, I did not wear a bikini, but we joked about wearing bathing suits before we went up, and lo and behold, there were a handful of people in bikinis and speedos! We went up as a family yesterday and enjoyed a few runs and then some french fries and sodas and beers on the deck. Today the boys did not want to ski ... they were finished for the season. So Corb, Maggie, and I went up and skied 3 fabulous runs - spring skiing at its finest. Then we sat on the plaza and enjoyed our fries and our last beers in our Trap Bar mugs. We saw many friends up there today - a nice day to feel like a local.

Closing day at Targhee marks a big "last" for us. While there have been other experiences we knew we would not have again, the end of ski season really hits home for us. We have LOVED our winter here and it's bittersweet to see it end - Corbin was on skis more than 80 days this winter! We will embrace spring and summer and all that those seasons bring to the valley ... but we are sad to say good-bye to winter, knowing that there is not another Targhee ski day in our foreseeable future.

The beard will last through Memorial Day, the braids will appear occasionally throughout the summer, the bathing suits and beer will be here all summer :-) ... closing day has come and gone.

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