Thursday, June 26, 2014

Riding in Park City

I escaped the valley and rolled into Park City the day before Nancy and the kids arrived in SLC.  The first afternoon I rode Armstrong - Mid Mountain - Spiro loop.  The riding is fantastic.  The Armstrong trail is a 4 mile one way only climbing so there is no need to worry about others bombing down towards you.  As I traversed the Mid Mountain trail I came face to face with a young bull moose amidst the Aspen trees.  After we stared at each other for about 5 minutes, he decided to take another path to his resting spot and I proceeded.  It was a fantastic two and a half hour ride!
Riding up the Armstrong Trail

Top of the Armstrong Trail

A section of the Mid Mountain Trail
 That night I camped in Jordelle State Park.  I set up the cot in the bed of my truck and had a wonderfully restful night alongside my Yeti.
Sleeping with the Yeti
The next morning I time for a quick loop before picking up the family in SLC.  I rode Jenni's - Loose Moose.  This is a relatively short ride, less than an hour, but Jenni's is one way up and Loose Moose is one way down.  The berms and jumps were perfect and it was especially nice not to have to worry about oncoming traffic.   A return trip to Park City is a must.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

From Markey's to The Brakeman -- Summer has officially begun!

On Sunday 6/22, the kids and I went to my parents for dinner.  Brady was the grillmaster of the day and added his secret ingredient to our hamburgers.  After dinner, I headed back to Andover and the kids stayed for a swim and sleepover.  Brady helped Grampy with a few projects around the house on Monday morning, then they all went out for a game of mini-golf.  Apparently there were a few "holes-in-one!"

Meanwhile I had the house to myself to finish packing, organizing, cleaning - I was in heaven!  By the time Gram and the kids picked me up on Monday afternoon, I felt a good sense of closure at home and at work and was very ready for my official first night of vacation.  It did not disappoint!  We went to Markey's for dinner.  This is where we always went on our last day of school when I was growing up.  The table was full of steamed clams, shrimp, calamari, and clam and lobster rolls - YUM!  From there we drove up to Hampton Beach to see if we could catch a glimpse of the sand sculptures from the recent competition.  They looked so great we had to stop.  Margaret was ecstatic, as there were multiple sculptures of characters from the movie Frozen.  They were amazing, truly.  As we walked along the Hampton "strip" - of shops, restaurants and arcades.  Gram was telling stories of her childhood days there and then of my childhood days there.  Brady asked if we could stop in the arcade, so we did!  Brady was drawn to the "old-fashioned games" like PacMan, Margaret and Gram stuck with SkeeBall, and Connor dabbled here and there, finishing with a favorite hockey game!  Great night.

Tuesday morning, we rose early for our 5:50am flight.  Grampy was so wonderful to drive us to the airport that early.  Our journey went very smoothly and was thankfully uneventful.  When we arrived in Salt Lake City at 10:45am (Mountain Time), Corbin was already waiting in the cell phone lot.  It was a happy reunion.  Our 5 hour drive to Driggs was punctuated by a stop in Idaho Falls to pick up some Crocs for Connor, then dinner at The Brakeman, which we'd been looking forward to since we booked these flights!  We were home by 6pm.  There was some unpacking, and the kids had fun rediscovering this home.  Brady went in the creek, had target practice with his BB gun, and tested out his road bike (after a quick tune up)!  It feels great to wake up here after a really good sleep!
Dinner at Markey's

Gram and Kids at Hampton - sandcastles

Selfie - with Olaf!  That's what "snow does in summer!"

Hockey at the Hampton Arcade

We made it!  Dinner at The Brakeman

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Fishing with Tim

With Tim only in town for a few days, we decided to hit the water despite the cool temperature (40 degrees), overcast, and hail. Our first trip was to Fall River.  The second trip to the Warm River.

To get on the Fall, we borrowed a two person raft from Tim's friend and put in at Kirkham bridge.  While the bridge was still in sight, we netted our first of many fish.  A few salmon flies showed up, so stimulators and other imitations were the fly of the day. Tim and I traded the oars for the fly rod every 5 or so fish.  We took out at Cement, or Concrete, Bridge.  It was about a 7 hour float.
Tim relaxing on the Fall River
On the second day, we picked up Sean Doyle and headed to a secret spot on the Warm River.  These fish hadn't seen much pressure this year either, so big bushy attractors were the fly of the day.  I spent the day fishing caddis, my usual on this stretch.  Again, all three of us netted good fish.  The laughs, jokes, and conversation on the bank relieved all three of us of any baggage brought from the East Coast.  We finished the day at Sean's after dinner.

Meanwhile ... Back in Andover, Part III (Brady)

On the last day of school, Friday June 20th, the Doherty Middle School 8th Graders had their "Farewell Ceremony."  This has been a remarkable year for Brady.  He's worked very hard and grown up so much.  His grades have reflected this maturity, and his teachers (especially Mr. Bessette) comment often on what a great kid Brady is.  This farewell ceremony marked an important milestone for Brady, especially as he prepares to head away to Gould Academy in the fall.  His path will diverge from his friends' paths.  I'm hopeful that some of the special friendships will stand the test of time and distance, and that Brady will reconnect with these friends when he is home.  I suppose that Instagram (and other social media and texting) will help him stay connected as well!!

The celebration actually went on for more than 24 hours.  Thursday night was the "8th Grade Farewell Dance,"  Friday morning was the ceremony and brief reception, Friday afternoon a group of kids went to the Grondins' home for a pool party (which lasted from about 12:30pm until about 7:30pm!), then finally they all met up at the AYS dance at the Old Town Hall Friday evening until 10pm.  Brady then spent most of Saturday with John Racca, one of his closest friends.  I deeply appreciate the role the Racca family has played in Brady's life, as they have welcomed him warmly into their home consistently since Brady and John became friends in 1st or 2nd grade!

We are all, maybe Brady most of all, looking forward to our summer in Idaho!  This afternoon I will take all three kids to my parents to spend the night.  That will give me an evening and a morning to wrap up a few things at home and at work.  Then tomorrow afternoon we'll all have dinner at Markey's at Seabrook Beach (a longtime favorite of my family) and spend the night with my parents, who will generously get us to the airport early Tuesday morning for our 5:50am flight!  Corbin will pick us up in Salt Lake City mid-day ... can't wait :-)

I am so happy to have closure on this past year.  It's been a year where we have balanced the importance of valuing the present moment with the need to invest in opportunities for the future.  It feels very good to watch each child create his/her closure on this year.  I'm so proud of all three children.  I feel very blessed.

Brady before the Ceremony

Blurry ... but Brady receives his certificate

?, Connor, ?, Kelly, Brady, John, Ian

Bunch of Friends!
Brady with Grammy and Grampy

Brady and Mr. Bessette

Brady and Nancy

Chillin ... Michael, John, ?, Chris, Brady

Meanwhile ... Back in Andover, Part II (Connor)

On Thursday June 19th, Bancroft Elementary School hosted its final "5th Grade Moving On Ceremony."  The new school has been built and the old school will be demolished this summer.  During the ceremony, each student comes to the microphone to state his/her favorite Bancroft Memory, and then receive a certificate.  Connor's favorite memory was "playing Predator/Prey at Outdoor Ed."  After the ceremony, there was a brief reception and photo opportunity.  Then the entire class was invited to a pool party at the Haverhill Country Club.

While these events were wonderful, it was what happened that afternoon that marked the day so profoundly for me.  Connor has been a "gym helper" this year.  He not only assisted in a kindergarten class, but he also assisted the kids who needed additional physical education, primarily due to physical challenges.  Connor really shone in this area.  He has a wonderful way with others and the phys ed teachers repeatedly shared, with Corbin and me, their high praise for Connor's time with all of the kids. So today, Connor asked me if I could find some whistles that he could give the two teachers as parting gifts.  I picked them up this afternoon, then left to drive Brady somewhere.  When I came home, I found that Connor had written thank you notes to the two teachers.  They were so heartfelt, with messages about what he had gained through the experiences of the year and thanking them for the opportunity!  To top it off, Connor had also written thank you notes to the principal (with whom he's had a rocky relationship! -- and the note called that out and was genuine) and to Mr. Iriving, without whom we would not have made it to this day!  Connor printed the photo below and included it with the note to Mr. Irving.  I was overflowing with pride as I read these notes.  Connor is such a wonderfully sensitive and reflective child.

Note - Friday (6/20) was the final day of school (1/2 day), and when Connor presented Mr. Rex and Mrs. Graham (PE teachers) with the notes and whistles, they handed him a note and gift (Andover t-shirt, Orange Leaf GC and a really kind thank you note to him!).

Connor and Margaret Before the Ceremony

Nancy, Margaret, Connor
Connor with Grammy and Grampy after the Ceremony

Tommy, Lucas, Connor, Drew, Chris
Connor with Mr. Irving

Pool Party at Haverhill Country Club

Meanwhile ... Back in Andover, Part I (Margaret)

The kids and I stayed in Andover for a few end-of-the-year festivities.  We kicked off the week with Margaret's piano recital on Saturday June 14th.   This is Margaret's first year of taking piano lessons.  We started this journey in September, with a new piano and lessons with Leslie Kaplan (recommended by many here at PA).  It's been a really great year.  Leslie and Margaret have a nice rapport, and Margaret has made really good progress.  She will resume lessons in the fall.

Note - I'm also including a photo from Sunday June 8th.  This spring Margaret made her First Communion, and on 6/8 there was a service to celebrate all the First Communicants from this year.  It was like "round two" for Margaret!  Fun.

Margaret Waiting to Play
Margaret and Mrs. Kaplan on Stage (Duet)

All of the students after the Recital

1st Communion Service

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kicking off Summer 2014

I rolled into Teton Valley on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 3:30 am.  For the trip back to the valley this year I was accompanied by my good friend, Tim Benson, an English teacher at Brooks.  I rolled into the Brooks School at 4:30 am on Saturday, June 14 to pick up Tim and start our journey.

Our first stop was in Wellsville, NY to visit dads uncle Wayne.  We arrived at noon and found Wayne eagerly waiting our arrive.  He had lunch warming on the stove and while we ate showed off a few of his favorite guns; a muzzle loader from the late 1800's and a Colt .44 revolver carried in the civil war.  The only other place he has seen a similar Colt was at the CM Russell Museum in Montana and he remarked, "that one wasn't in as good condition as mine."

Wayne Lang in Wellsville, NY
We sat in his front room and talked about our trip.  He asked us what river are going to fish.  I told him the Teton River and he replied, "Isn't that the one that had a dam break?"  Wayne is still sharp as a tack and doesn't miss a beat.  We also pick up a large bell that had hung at Newton Lang's farm in Iowa and had been hanging at Wayne's camp for the last 45 years.  Wayne said it wasn't his bell, he'd just been enjoying it for the last 45 years and now it's time to pass it on.  Dad will hang it at the farm in Redmond.  Maybe I'll be fortunate to hang it on my hallowed ground someday.

Our next stop, not counting pit stops, was Ottawa, Ill at 11:00pm.  The Econo Lodge provided a welcome respite to our road weary bones.

An early morning departure and a quick trip across Iowa got us thinking.  The GPS had an estimated time of arrival in the Valley at 2:30 am.  We decided to make a run for it.  Nebraska is a long state, but with between the two of us we made quick work of it and pulled into Little America in Cheyenne a little before 7:00pm.  Still too early to stop, we filled up and hit the road again.  Refusing to stop in Rawlings, we pulled into Lander about midnight to top off the tank and hit the road for the last stretch. Now we were on a mission ala Blues Brothers style.  

We were met with dusting fresh snow on the road over Towgotee pass and pulled into the Jackson town square and for the first time not a car in sight.  A quick trip over Teton pass and we had made the finish line.  We woke up in Andover on Saturday morning and on Sunday night we went to sleep in Driggs.  What a way to spend a weekend.

Back in the Valley again.  Let the summer begin!