Sunday, January 31, 2010

Super Dad!

Corb has all 3 kids up skiing at Targhee today, while I rest and nurse a very annoying and disruptive chest cold. I'm disappointed not to ski with them and feeling a little discouraged not to get in some training today. However, I'm trying to practice what I preach and think of this rest day (second in a row) as an investment in the week ahead!

Yesterday we did get down to the new rink (Kotler Arena) for some ice skating (see pics). The rink was dedicated yesterday and there was a great community turn out. All 3 kids are doing very well with skating ... enjoying it and improving!

The other cool thing about yesterday was that Brady and I had some alone time and made good use of the coupons he's earned through the AR program (new book from the bookstore and ice cream from Corner Drug). Then Brady and I had the opportunity to be a small part of a special project. In May, our neighbor Mike Ehredt will embark on a run across America to honor the fallen. He will place an American Flag every mile along the way. Each flag is labeled with the name of one American who has lost his/her life in Iraq. Yesterday we helped assemble the flags. It was special to share that with Brady.

Link to Project America Run:

Friday, January 29, 2010

125 Point Club!

Brady is the only 4th grader in the 125 point club in the Accelerated Reading Program.  Today was the prize assembly and he came home with a huge smile and this hat that he won---he left the trophy in his locker at school.  Brady has been a prolific reader this year.  He had a total of 146 points and had just sat down to take a test on a 4pt. book that would have put him in 150pt. club, but the bell rang.  The school day was done. The marking period was over.  But he's quick to point out that now has 150pts.

We're so proud of him.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Tuesday:  Skate skied Teton Springs while Brady and Nancy skated at the rink in Victor's Pioneer Park during Brady's winter sports activity.  Connor swims at Green Mountain Hot Springs for his winter sports activity.

Wednesday:  Maggie was sick and kept us up half the night.  She stayed home from school.  We watched Cinderella while Nancy went for a run with the girls.  She's getting ready for an ultra in Vegas in April.

Thursday:  Parent teacher conferences today.  Maggie is still sick and with both boys home we had family cleaning day.  This morning we all scrubbed something.  Have I mentioned how nice it is to be able to plug the vacuum into one outlet and reach the whole house?---Brady got that job today.  After cleaning and teacher conferences, Nancy dropped me in Alta (see photo) so I could skate ski while she and the kids went to the dump.  We met back at the Alta Library, checked out some books, and made it home in time for the boys to change into their gi and head to judo.  Maggie stayed home and fell asleep on the couch with the sunlight shining through the window.  By the way, both boys got good reports from their teachers.

The Alta Library just moved into the new building last week.  It's across the parking lot from the school and next door to the church.  Connor, Maggie, and I went to the grand opening.  They had food (potluck---I love potlucks!), music,  and crafts.  Maggie used stamps and glitter to make a picture to go into a commemorative book---I wonder if it will still be there in 20 years?  This picture of the two of us making the page appeared in the Valley Citizen this week.

Call of the Sourdough

We got up early this morning because of a few extra kids in our bed.   Maggie climbed in because she has been sick (and has stayed home from school for the last two days) and Connor climbed in because he felt lonely because Maggie wasn't in her bed.  With a little extra time this morning I decided to make sourdough bread.  As I'm kneading the dough in the kitchen, I look up and see 4 deer walking down our drive way.  I stood in the living room and took this photo of the leader through the window.  Seems the call of the sourdough carries well on these snowy, cold, Rocky Mountain winter mornings.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ride the Relic

After a big storm over the weekend, I got to spend all morning riding The Relic.    Brady got to stay home from school today---sick to his stomach.  So, Nancy, Brady and I took off this morning for the mountain---the fourth day in a row.  We stayed on Blackfoot all morning.  When Nancy and Brady left to go meet Maggie at the lodge so she could start her afternoon of skiing with her school I headed for the trees.  Spent the next few hours traversing over to the woods and dropping off.  With each run I'd drop in a little farther down the traverse and it just kept getting better.  After awhile my legs were spent and met up with Brady for 5 runs down Screaming Cheetah.  A good powder day.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Race Day or Powder Day?

Today was Brady's first race as a member of the TVSEF Team, and he was great.  Nancy volunteered to register racers, so were were at the mountain by 8a.m.---and got a great parking spot!  On the way up it started snowing, and it didn't let up all day!  By 1:00p.m. the time the Brady finished his first run, there was at least a foot of fresh snow on the course.  He had a great run.  After lunch we learned the second run was cancelled--too much snow. But Brady wasn't done skiing, so we spent the next few hours taking laps on Shoshone---he was looking for jumps and I was looking for face shots in the trees.  15 new inches by the time we left today.  Needless to say it took a while to dig out the car.  We had a ball.  Back home for burgers, Brady Bunch, and bed so we can get up and do it all again tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is she really 4?

It was official on January 19, 2010, Maggie turned 4.  Sure it's not as big as 5---because that's when you can have gum---but it's way bigger than 3.  Her day started with presents, then Nancy and I went to her school to have party with her class during lunch---we brought chocolate chip cookies with pink and red M&M's.  In the evening we had Dad's Famous Mac 'n Cheese, pizza, cake, ice cream, and opened the family presents.  (Sounds kinda like what we did yesterday, it's like deja vu all over again.)  Leading up to this day she kept asking, "How many more sleeps until my birthday?"  Now all I can ask is, "How many more sleeps until her next one?"  The answer troubles me.  Life is too short.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Princess Party

We had a little girl party yesterday.  Since it was MLK Day, Maggie didn't have school but he boys did.  So she had the house to herself!  She invited three of her friends over for a small party that included decorating crowns,  Dad's World Famous Mac 'n Cheese, pizza, and the movie Cinderella.  It all worked out pretty well, but we were reminded that it takes a long time for glitter glue to dry---especially when it's in globs.  Maggies crown is now hanging above her bed for my princess to sleep beneath.


Our cabin gets a little smaller in the winter.  Sure, we've built snow forts, snowmen, and shoveled snow, but when it gets dark at 4:30 in the afternoon we start moving inside.  A good energy outlet this winter has been Judo.  Both boys are taking classes (and of course coming home and practicing the moves on anyone they can).  They got the robe and pants for Christmas and Connor didn't take them off for three days.  The dojo is just south of town behind the forest service building.  They are going to Judo two afternoons a week (Tue./Thu.).

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Special Day at Targhee

I wasn't planning to post today, but some really cool things happened at Targhee! First, today was the day that Maggie "took the leap" in the learning curve and began to REALLY ski. When I joined Corb and Mag, I actually got a little teary watching her ski down one of the runs from the Shoshone chairlift completely by herself! She even went through the "kids zone" trails (on little paths through the trees) very successfully. Second, our boys engaged in some teamwork that impressed us. They could not find their ski bags at lunchtime and therefore could not find their lunches. They each had $4 in their pocket for a drink or treat at the end of the day. They figured out how to pool their money and get food and drink to share - and they actually did it all without fighting! Third, during the second half of their practice the boys and their team (the Tigers) were treated to a visit from professional skiers Rick Armstrong, Micah Black, and Tommy Moe. These guys were just skiing Targhee and one of the coaches asked if they'd ski with the alpine team (next up from the Tigers). They took some runs with the alpine team, then went over to talk to the Tigers. They all signed the kids helmets and gave them a motivational talk. So special. Now we have to watch the latest Teton Gravity Research film to see them in action! This has been a very good day. Oh, and don't you love the transportation from the lower parking lot up to the lodge?!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Skiing Teton Canyon

Wed 1/13 I went cross country skiing in Teton Canyon with "the ladies." Corb powered on his own on skate skies. We're both just learning to skate ski and Corb's athleticism, coupled with his skiing ability, give him what I'd call the advantage in this sport! Teton Canyon is great, both for it's views and its "out and back" course, which allows us to ski together while doing our own workouts. So ... on Wed 1/13 I got on classic xc skis with my lady friends and we had a wonderful time, while Corb got a heavy duty workout on skate skis. Then today, Fri 1/15, Corb and I both went out on skate skis and went at our own pace, which meant he was way ahead and I got to enjoy the chance to practice and check out the views (both of the mountains and my husband from behind :-) !!).

When we got home today (1/15) Brady had a friend over and they played in the maze of snow forts we've built outside - I think there are 5 so far. Corb took Connor and Maggie to the Grand Opening of the Alta Library. Maggie was happy to engage in the crafts offered and Connor was thrilled to come home with a Star Wars DVD!! Tomorrow is a ski day at Targhee.


Living in the Valley this year has meant we've had unusual visitors. Lately four friends have been stopping by on a regular basis. I think they are ruffed grouse, but I just call them chickens. From my days growing up in Wyoming, antelope are goats and any grouse is a chicken. I love having these little guys running around. The Hawthorne bushes and dense underbrush gives them good places to hide and the gravel driveway gives them something to eat.

Maggie had an unusual visitor at her schools on Wednesday morning (1/13/10). A moose wandered out of Teton Creek and over to the parking lot of her school. All the kids rushed to the door to get a better look.

Two Days in One

Maggie started her winter sports activity Monday (1/11/10). She'll be skiing at Grand Targhee every Monday for a few weeks. Nancy and I went up to the mountain earlier in the morning after dropping the kids at school so we could get in a few runs. We ended up taking a run on every lift; Shoshone, Blackfoot,Dreamcatcher, and Sacajawea. We finished at at the lodge just in time to meet Maggie and her friends as they arrived. Maggie had great ski with her ski instructor. I went off to do a few laps on skate skis in Ricks Basin and Nancy took another run from the top of Fred's. We rendezvoused at at the Trap Bar for a mug before getting Maggie and heading back home to meet the boys. Since I skied on two different skis, I'm counting this as two days of skiing instead of one!