Saturday, January 23, 2010

Race Day or Powder Day?

Today was Brady's first race as a member of the TVSEF Team, and he was great.  Nancy volunteered to register racers, so were were at the mountain by 8a.m.---and got a great parking spot!  On the way up it started snowing, and it didn't let up all day!  By 1:00p.m. the time the Brady finished his first run, there was at least a foot of fresh snow on the course.  He had a great run.  After lunch we learned the second run was cancelled--too much snow. But Brady wasn't done skiing, so we spent the next few hours taking laps on Shoshone---he was looking for jumps and I was looking for face shots in the trees.  15 new inches by the time we left today.  Needless to say it took a while to dig out the car.  We had a ball.  Back home for burgers, Brady Bunch, and bed so we can get up and do it all again tomorrow.

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