Friday, January 15, 2010

Skiing Teton Canyon

Wed 1/13 I went cross country skiing in Teton Canyon with "the ladies." Corb powered on his own on skate skies. We're both just learning to skate ski and Corb's athleticism, coupled with his skiing ability, give him what I'd call the advantage in this sport! Teton Canyon is great, both for it's views and its "out and back" course, which allows us to ski together while doing our own workouts. So ... on Wed 1/13 I got on classic xc skis with my lady friends and we had a wonderful time, while Corb got a heavy duty workout on skate skis. Then today, Fri 1/15, Corb and I both went out on skate skis and went at our own pace, which meant he was way ahead and I got to enjoy the chance to practice and check out the views (both of the mountains and my husband from behind :-) !!).

When we got home today (1/15) Brady had a friend over and they played in the maze of snow forts we've built outside - I think there are 5 so far. Corb took Connor and Maggie to the Grand Opening of the Alta Library. Maggie was happy to engage in the crafts offered and Connor was thrilled to come home with a Star Wars DVD!! Tomorrow is a ski day at Targhee.

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