Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lost Photos - Lesson Learned!

Well, here it is October, and it's way past time to wrap up the summer blog.  By now I should have ordered the "Blog to Print" book that helps us keep our summer memories alive.  I should have blogged our Purity Springs Trepanier family reunion and maybe even the kids' first day of school.

But, alas, I did none of that.  I got caught up with the hectic schedule of work and kids' activities and everything else that the school year brings our way and kept saying "I'll get to it in good time."  Then about 2 weeks ago, I left my phone (iPhone 4) unattended for about an hour in our dining hall.  Unfortunately the finder decided to be a "keeper" rather than return it to the lost and found.  All of the photos on my phone since about mid-August were lost.  I hadn't backed them up or correctly set up the "wireless stream" to iCloud.

First I had a little pity party.  Then I decided that I had to take responsibility.  I should have had the photos backed up, by manual upload or wireless stream.  And I should have made this a priority much sooner.  Keeping a record of our life, with and for our kids, has to be a top priority.  I've let that one go for too long.  We LOVE going back to our old photo albums.  The kids love it and Corbin and I find that our memories are not as sharp as we'd like to think they are.  We need those photos and records to help us remember!  Now I have my new iPhone 4S set up to automatically stream photos to iCloud and my computer.  I'm sure I'll discover some faults with this system, or it will become outdated sometime in the not-so-distant future ... but for now, I'm doing my best to make sure I don't lose anymore photos.

Now ... to work on those photo albums :-)

By the way, Purity was AWESOME.  We had 8 adults and 12 kids together in the ski lodge.  We had meals together, evening activities (games, karaoke, swims, etc) together, lots of cousin play time and plenty of celebration of the blessings we share.  Grammy and Grampy are healthy at 71 and 72, and we are already planning our celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Dec 28, 2013.

Joe and Ruth
Nancy, Corbin, Brady, Connor, and Maggie
Maribeth, Paul, Michael, Christopher, Kalli, Timmy, and Matthew
Jay, Sara, Jonas, Lucas, Reese and Remy

What a group!!

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