Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer 2013 has Started!

It's official, the summer of 2013 has started.  Connor and I made it across the country in our land yacht (the F250) and we are in Driggs looking at the Tetons.  I left Andover with Connor on Friday, June 14, and he had more than two weeks of school and his league playoffs remaining.  Nancy, Brady, and Maggie stayed behind while Nancy finished New Administrators Workshop and other odds and ends.

Connor and I left Friday, June 14, the day after graduation.  Our first stop was Toledo and a night with a graduate school friend Tod Shockey.  He is teaching at he University of Toledo.   His wife, Kim, and 12 year old son, Sam, were at a lacrosse tournament in Buffalo, NY.  So, Tod and his daughter who had just finished 10 grade hosted us for the evening.  We grilled Toledo famous Paco hot dogs and burgers ate ate them under the stars.  Tod gave Conner a few (read 5) Arnold Palmers for the drive.  Needless to say we stopped every two hours as Connor drank them all the next day.

After a stop in Iowa City for lunch, we made it to a campground just outside Kearney, NE by night fall.  The highlight of the evening was the cool ranch and nacho cheese Dortitos tacos from Taco Bell.

An early departure meant we arrived in Lander early afternoon.  We proceeded to the City Park for a catch at the same baseball field that I played Little League.  Parched, we dragged ourselves to the Campbells for Lemonade and cookies.  We also visited with the Gilbertsons.  After picking up provisions at Mr. D's we headed though "the Res" and over the pass.

We arrived in Driggs by 8pm. on June 16.  Just enough time to take a good look around and fix dinner before the sun set.  It's good to be back.

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