Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sheep Bridge Bike Ride

With Maggie at gymnastic camp, we took this opportunity to take the boys on a mountain bike ride.   Since this is Connor's first, we chose the Sheep Bridge trail (also Brady's first a few years ago).

After crossing a raging Teton Creek (on Sheep Bridge), the trail gradually climbs through stands of pine, aspens, and meadows filled with wild flowers to the Boy Scout Camp.  Here we stopped for a big break, stories, and explored the river.  The return trip is a nice easy down hill back to the bridge.  Connor did great and we had a wonderful ride.

This was not only a first for Connor, but also Nancy.  She hasn't been on single track since the famous Fire Lookout ride in outside of Sisters, OR that we did the summer before our wedding.  That summer, Nancy and I toured the west in my VW Golf with sleeping bags, bikes, and running shoes.   After a few short warm up rides around Bend, we decided to tackle a longer ride, 10 miles to a fire lookout and 10 miles back.  The ride out was fine, but it was hot and dusty so the return trip was difficult.  At the very end, Nancy fell on a switch back in the fine powder dirt that stuck to her sweaty body and was a mess.  Needless to say, that was the last time she was on a mountain bike on a single track.

On today's ride, we told this story as well as the first time I took Brady mountain biking on this trail.  He scared me with his fast descent---a lot like the first time I took him to the top of Mt. Sunapee when he bombed to the bottom without turning.

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