Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another fun dinner with friends!

Susy and Jeff invited us to join them for one more dinner - a chance to gather our families one more time before we head east. Jeff's father and Susy's cousin were visiting for the weekend, and they also invited Pat, their head cowboy, and Tucker, their intern, so we had a fun evening with a great group of people. The kids love time with Tucker, who entertains them with all sorts of games, including riddles and word games. I don't think Connor ever left Tucker's side all evening! After dinner Jeff got out his shotgun and clays, which would have entertained Corbin for hours had it not gotten too dark to see the clays! It was just another really wonderful evening for all of us.

Today we are beginning to pack up the house in earnest, knowing that all final packing will really happen tomorrow. Perhaps we'll take an afternoon trip up to Targhee for a swim. Tomorrow afternoon, Susy has to take Elsa up to Targhee for her cross country practice :-) so we have the hope of yet one more trail run together!

We are certainly juggling a range of emotions as we prepare to depart on Tuesday morning. For the most part, we've simply felt grateful for our time here and pleased with the choices we've made about how to spend that time. I hope to keep the blog going through our journey east and our Trepanier family reunion over Labor Day weekend!

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