Monday, August 1, 2011

The Aunts

As Connor likes to call them "Aunt Amy and Great Aunt Judy" took a road trip together from central Oregon to visit us this past weekend. They arrived in time for dinner and a fire by the creek on Friday night. Saturday we spent a good part of the day up at Targhee. While Amy and I ran Rick's Basin and Quakie Ridge (which kicked my butt), Corb and Judy took the kids up to the top of the Fred's Mt, via the chairlift. We all relaxed at the pool and hottub, and then enjoyed "Wydaho Nachos" (nachos on waffle fries!) up at the Trap. After a late dinner of TWR chuck roast, Judy presented the kids with gifts. All three kids donned their new clothes (shirts for the boys and a dress for Maggie) immediately. Then Judy, who is Connor's Godmother, presented him with two special gifts for making his First Communion in May. She had travelled to Italy this spring and brought him back a statue and medal of St. Francis of Assisi. Judy loved Assisi and enjoyed sharing the story of her travels and the story of St. Francis with all of us; Connor was riveted. It was a special evening. Sunday morning, Corb and Amy enjoyed a long road bike ride around the valley and explored the Old Jackson Highway. Judy took the opportunity to visit a friend in Victor. Then as the weather turned rainy, we enjoyed a lazy afternoon and evening at home, chilling on the front porch, sharing stories, reading books, and enjoying the treat of a takeout dinner from Teton Thai. We all even watched a Waltons episode together before the kids went to bed. Amy stayed out in the wall tent, and the kids each took a turn staying out there with her.

We really appreciate the effort Amy and Judy made to travel to see us and connect this summer. It was a wonderful weekend for all of us. Although we were sad to say "good-bye" to them early this morning, we are all excited to welcome Gary and Sue this afternoon.

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