Monday, July 14, 2014

Glory - Ski Lake Loop Hike

With questionable weather on Friday night, we opted for Plan B -- dinner at the Greens' (instead of rodeo).  Kath's mom, Judy, was visiting - great to see her and catch up a bit.  It was a fun night, complete with mask-making, sparklers, and yet another sleepover -- this time Lucie came home with us and she and Brady slept in the wall tent.  There was lots of talk about what to expect at TSS camp next week!
Margaret and Dylan!

Margaret said her mask is "Mom as a librarian!"

Saturday (7/12) was a pool day, complete with exercise for all adults and an unplanned short hike for the kids!  Kath biked up from Teton Canyon, while I ran the new trail "Perma-Grin" - awesome!!  Then Corb and Chad did a mountain bike loop that included Peaked.  During their ride, some T-storms threatened, and the pool was closed.  Tired of waiting for it to re-open, the kids headed out for a walk.  They ended up going up to a snow patch under Shoshone and playing in the snow.  When the pool re-opened, Kath and I got to have it (and the hot tub) to ourselves for a peaceful swim, before the kids returned!
My Selfie -- Big Grin after running Perma Grin!
Sunday (7/13) was a big day!  We had a huge group for a family-friendly hike.  We did the Glory - Ski Lake loop -- starts at the top of Teton Pass, climbs Glory Mt then goes along the ridge until dropping down to Ski Lake and out Phillips Canyon.  It's a really easy shuttle and a gorgeous hike!  We started with 18 people.  Unfortunately, one child got sick within the first 1/2 mile, so only 16 were able to do the full hike (Mom and child went home; Dad stayed with us as the one most familiar with the route -- VERY generous of him).  It was the Schmidts, the Lymburner-Greens, the Greens (minus Chad - driving Judy to airport), Tammy and Rudy Brown, and the Langs (minus Corbin - mountain biking Peaked and Mill Creek!).  We met at 7am, were on trail by 7:30am, and walked out at 1pm.  With kids ranging from 5 to 15 years, we needed good group behavior to manage pace and breaks - not to mention, snowball fights!  The best breaks were on top of Glory and at Ski Lake (where most kids and Kath swam!).  Amazing day!!
The group of 18 at the Trail Head

Nancy and Kids, Top of Glory Mt

Nancy and Brady, top of Glory
Margaret and Rudy, top of Glory

Brady, Lucie and Brian G - one of many snow patches

Kath and Kids, top of Glory Mt

A lunch break on the ridge

Another fun snow patch!

Connor and Rudy - Ski Lake

Margaret - Ski Lake (brrrrr!)

Kath and Brady - Ski Lake
Brady and Caden - Ski Lake (hiked like this for a short time, too!)
Margaret on trail from Ski Lake to Phillips Canyon (great and well-maintained section!)

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