Saturday, August 16, 2014

Moving Day for All!

On Friday 8/15/14, I got in an early morning walk with Heather and Corina.  Note - earlier this week (Tuesday, 8/12/14) I got to run Southbound with Susy.  No pictures, but it was an awesome trail run!

Ok - back to the moving ... So on Friday, Susy's family all headed back to Boulder.  She stayed behind to pack and clean.  So, of course, we thought we should go help her - or at least hang out with her while she cleaned the kitchen!  On Friday evening, Heather, Sharon and I all went over to Susy's.  We had a fun evening full of cleaning, packing, and lots of laughs.  I actually spent the night -- a nice break for me and kept Susy from being alone in her house.  It was the best night sleep I've had in a long time!! Saturday morning, 8/16/14, we got in a good morning run -- awesome show by two sandhill cranes, likely protecting babies -- then we loaded up her car and said our good-byes.  Soon after I got home, we made our final trip to the dump in preparation for our "move" back to Andover on Sunday.  Immediately after the dump, we headed over to the Schmidts' to help them pack up for their move to Jackson.  Corbin helped Brian load up the trailer, I helped Sharon pack up the kitchen and the kids played with Sammy (walked the dog, played on the trampoline, etc).  It was fun to help them and we still had plenty of time this afternoon to do our own packing.

Fun on the swingset and trampoline!

Sammy, Margaret, Connor

Sharon, Sammy, & Brian Schmidt

We finished our day with dinner at the Brakeman.  The Brakeman served as our "bookends" this summer -- we ate there our first night and our last night in the valley.

We're never really ready for summer to end.  It's always hard to leave this valley.  Yet, we are looking forward to ... a visit with the Campbells tomorrow, what is likely our last Trepanier Family Reunion at Purity Springs on Labor Day Weekend, Margaret starting 3rd grade in the new Bancroft, Connor starting middle school at Doherty, Brady beginning his Gould journey, Corb and I teaching together again ... and already some exciting things to look forward to next summer!

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