Sunday, August 10, 2014

Rainy Days

This past week we've had really rainy weather.  It has put a damper on some things, but we've managed to squeak things into brief moments of good weather -- or just figure out what can work in the rain!  We also got a few housekeeping items taken care of.

Sunday (8/3/14) was a lazy day.  Before the clouds got too bad, the kids and I biked downtown to explore the new "Geotourism Center" and enjoy ice cream treats from Barrels & Bins (one of the few places open on a Sunday).  On the way back, we ran into Jay and Gabby at the park, so Margaret went home with them for a little play time.  I then picked up the girls and took all four kids to church before coming home for a nice dinner on the deck.  Rain threatened, but didn't start until later.

Brady and Margaret at one of the Geotourism exhibits

Margaret and Gabby visit some horses near Gabby's house

On Monday (8/4), we wondered if our plans to go to the Spud would be tempered by the weather.  Even as late as 7pm, we weren't certain.  But we decided to risk it and ended up having a wonderful time.  We only got a few sprinkles near the end of the movie and most people stayed outside anyway (a few of us retreated into cars).  We brought Gabby and then she and Margaret had their sleepover.  We met the Russells there (Linda and her kids also joined us -- fun to see everyone).  Planes 2 was the movie -- very cute.  And it was relatively short, so we were home before 11pm.  Good night!

Playing catch before the movie

Cozy in the back of the car -- Ann joined for the movie

On Tuesday (8/5), we had to take the truck in for service in Victor.  Mixed in there, Brady rode his bike to and from Victor (got soaked, but wanted to finish the ride!), Connor played at the Russells' house and Ann joined Margaret and Gabby at our house to watch an American Girl movie ("Chrissa").  As I was driving the girls home and planning to pick up Connor, Susy called and suggested we go Huckleberry Picking (I capitalize it intentionally!!).  I've never gone and always wanted to, but never knew where to go.  So I jumped at the chance.  Sarah MacMillan led the way, and we had a wonderful outing, despite the rain.  Brady made huckleberry milkshakes that night, and we've had a couple of mornings with huckleberry pancakes.  I was very happy!

Is it every kids' dream to ride on the outside of a car or what??

On Wednesday (8/7), I brought my subaru in for service and met Heather and Tammy for a long walk while I waited.  When I got home, I brought Margaret down for a haircut.  She's been loving the "extensions" that Poppa put in her hair, but it was time for a trim, so now she has a new pink and green braid!  Cute.

Thursday (8/8) was supposed to be our day to hike Table Mt. with the Russells, but the weather forecast was so bad that we decided not to go.  Much to our surprise, Thursday turned out to be beautiful and would have been perfect.  The rain did not start until about dinner time.  Thursday morning, Susy and I did a great track workout while Connor and Will played on the baseball field.  Then Will came back to our house for more play time.  By dinner time, the rain had started so we had to eat inside.  This turned into a spontaneous dance party after dinner.  Corbin had been playing some "old" music -- Frank Sinatra era -- and he started dancing with Margaret.  It caught on.  The other fun part was that Brady, who loves Frank Sinatra, knew most of the lyrics and would sing along from time to time, just to amuse me!  Fun family night.

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