Monday, May 31, 2010

Easy Come, Easy Go

Swimming in the Creek

Today Brady was all about swimming in the creek. At first I thought it was a crazy idea - it's not very warm here (60's at best). But then I realized that we have no idea what the creek flow will be like this summer (and right now the flow is very low) ... and I also remembered that my children are basically warm blooded! So I stopped everything and embraced this moment. It was so precious. As we got to the creek and I said, "I don't think Maggie can go in." Brady's response was, "Moooom, Maggie can get in and out of this creek no problem, besides I'll take care of her. C'mon Mags!" All 3 kids had a blast building pools and waterfalls. Although I did not go in, I was on the bank, sporting my Keen shoes, ready for the jump and rescue ... which was thankfully unnecessary! After about 30 minutes, the clouds looked threatening and we all headed home for warm baths, bbq chicken, and The Waltons!

We did pause this morning to remember the meaning of Memorial Day. As I heard the sound of a gun shot salute, my heart jumped in reminder ... never far from my mind, but always good to be reminded.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Connor

This is Connor in his new coonskin hat, with his baseball uniform of the day. Today he's wearing an orange t-shirt that we found at the thrift store, on which we've used fabric paint to create a "Tigers" jersey ("Lang, 11" is on the back!). The Tigers are a team in the story that Connor wrote at school last week. He's now dressing the part.

Mountain Man Rendezvous

There is a Mountain Man Rendezvous in Jackson this weekend. It's a celebration of the many Rocky Mountain Rendezvous in the early 1800s. We decided to check it out today. Luckily Corb didn't shave his beard yet, because he fit right in ... well, minus the beaded shirt, fur coat and coonskin hat!

Both boys got a chance to try the tomahawk throw, and we were there long enough for two cannon shots -- they actually shoot candy out to the kids! Brady bought a handmade arrow, Connor bought a coonskin hat, and Maggie bought a wooden toy.

Afterward, we went to Skinny Skis so Mom could buy new running shoes. We then stopped at Wildlife Pizza in Victor for dinner on the way home. Fun day!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Green Canyon Hot Springs

Happy Memorial Day Weekend and our kickoff to summer.  Snow in the Tetons is still plentiful and the rain showers in the Valley is making it difficult to explore the great outdoors.  So today we explored the great indoors of Green Canyon Hot Springs.

It seems a lot of people had the same idea as we happily played and splashed in the warm waters.  The inside pool it the biggest and includes a diving board, basketball hoop, and very large kid friendly 2-3' deep section.  The outside pool is smaller and hotter, perfect for soaking.

A great outing to kick off the weekend.


I've been waiting patiently for the creek to start flowing again this spring.  I've always wondered how and when it will appear.  Will it come in a slow trickle that I can watch grow or will there be a big wall of water thundering down the creek bed?  I got my answer this morning.

For the past few week it's been cloudy and cold--we've even had snow in the Valley.   Yet, in the last few days, the temperature has warmed even as the clouds and rain continued.  Given this weather pattern I predicted a slow and steady accumulation of water in the creek over a few days--or at least over a few hours.

Last night when I went to be the creek was dry.  This morning when I woke up the creek was full.  I guess I slept through the show.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Kitchen (almost) Complete

With the arrival of the appliances this week, the kitchen project is nearly completed.  It has long been a thought to expand the kitchen.  Even with the limited counter space, lack of storage, and an inefficient layout we have been fine with the kitchen for the last 10 years.  But this year as the fridge started to drip, 2 of the four burners in the stove went out, and the faucet began to leak, we thought it was time to do something.

Dad and I installed the island.  Next came the granite countertop, sink, and faucet.  We had a little plumbing done at the same time to add a water line to the sink, replace the old water heater, and run a gas line into the house for the new gas range.  An electrician installed an outlet in the garage for the old refrigerator and outlets on the new island.  The stools (see earlier blog) fit around the island and finally the appliances finished the project.

One cabinet and the refrigerator on the island holds all the kid food.  Anything they want any time.

I can't decide if my favorite appliance is the range or the instant hot water faucet at the sink.  Cooking with gas is nice, yet there hasn't been a day when I haven't enjoyed instant hot water with the pull of a lever.

Thanks Dad for your help putting this together.  The next time you are in town I have a stool reserved for you at the counter where I'll make a hearty fisherman's breakfast.

"I'm pretty happy to have a Mom like you! Y'know?"

That's what Brady actually said to me today as we got in the truck after his Accelerated Reader (AR) Assembly. This was the final AR Assembly of the year, and Brady has the most AR points in the whole school. With 327 points, he made it into the AR "300 point club." Corbin and I went to the assembly, where he earned more gift certificates for goodies in town.

After the assembly, we took the boys out of school early and went for a milkshake at Corner Drug.

It's raining nicely to welcome Memorial Day Weekend!

The latest baseball movie ... "Mickey"

Connor wrote a 16 page story, based on the movie Mickey. In the movie, Mickey was in disguise and wore a pair of "fake" or "window" glasses with a croakie. Last week, Connor (with my help) ordered a pair of glasses and a croakie. Sadly, the glasses only lasted about a week. We're thinking about how to replace them. Today he started working on a baseball shirt (using fabric paint) so he can act out the story he wrote.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

From Hawthorne Bushes to Hooks

We've been wanting to hang some hooks near the front door ... for hats, caps, keys, etc. Nothing has struck our fancy. Corbin kept the trimmings from the Hawthorne bushes around the house ... just in case there might be a need. A couple of weeks ago, Corb carved out some "hooks" out of the Hawthorne bush trimmings, finished them with linseed oil. Now we have some very fun, creative, and handmade hooks in our family room, hanging above the table Corb made (as a surprise while I was away at running camp last summer), upon which sits the cedar box Gary made this fall, and under the picture that Ruth and Joe gave us as a housewarming gift when they visited 8 years ago! I LOVE the whole look :-) !!

We promise pictures of the evolution of the new kitchen as soon as it's finished. We are very close ... last appliances are to arrive this Wednesday. We are also awaiting one cabinet and some accent pulls/knobs. In the spirit of home improvement, we are also in the process of replacing our bathroom floors! It's just fun to own a home!!

Irish Baseball?!

Brady's doing a school report on Ireland. Each student had to choose a country, and Brady chose Ireland "because of Uncle Ted." He was very disappointed that we don't have any of our Irish treasures here in Idaho, so I asked our neighbor to rummage through our apartment for a few things and send them along ... and she did. The other day my Claddaugh ring and 2 Irish tweed caps arrived. Brady put them aside for his oral report (this Wed 5/24). Connor, who was in the middle of playing catch with Corbin, quickly exchanged his baseball cap for his tweed cap, and continued playing. Precious!

Miss Stephanie

Our kids have been in daycare for 10 years. One generalization Corbin and I have agreed upon is that while they are in preschool, the quality of the teacher can far outweigh the school or administration. While they are in school beyond Kindergarten, the school or admin can outweigh the value of a good teacher. Of course, we are overgeneralizing ... but ...

While we have liked the school that Maggie is in this year ... we have LOVED her teacher. In the 10 years we've had the kids in daycare and preschool, Stephanie is BY FAR the best teacher we've encountered. A disagreement with the administration of the school ended with Stephanie being forced to end the year early. Fortunately, the children have adjusted rather well, and the parents, admin, teachers have done a good job with the transitions. However, our support of Stephanie prompted a party to celebrate a great year for our kids and to thank Stephanie for her love, care, support, and teaching of our children. It was a happy day in the park, with families of shared values coming together ... to thank our teacher and to just be together. One of the best gatherings we've attended (and helped organize) this year!

Blizzard in May?

Today, Nancy worked a promotional tent in front of the gas station on Main St. in Victor.  She was helping promote Lisa Smith-Batchen's run around the country.  Well it snowed---really hard.

The kids and I stayed in the library next door the whole time reading books.  At 3 p.m. we all went across the street to Pierre's Play/moviehouse to see Shrek The Final Chapter.  The sun was shining brightly as we left the theatre.

And Today He's Papelbon

The other day Connor arrived in the kitchen, holding a baseball card up and said, "What's the difference?" ... he meant 'between the card and me!' He was dressed in full Red Sox uniform and was holding a Jonathan Papelbon baseball card ... and the two were as close to identical as possible.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Highway 22

A break in the weather prompted a late morning descision to ski the pass today.  We left the house around 11 a.m. and found ourselves in the parking lot at the top of Teton Pass shortly thereafter.  The weather pattern lately has been cloudy with a chance of meatballs, yet when we got up this morning to blue sky and sun we decided to take advantage of it.

The hike to the top of Glory Mtn. is steep.  When you add in the fact that the boot track was a little scarce in parts and that we had rocks to navigate, the approach became an adventure.

 Yet, at the top we could see the Grand and the valleys on either side.

The ski down was superb.  The snow could not have been better-an inch of corn on top of a solid base.  A great run all the way down to 1st turn.  After a quick walk back to the car we headed back to town to pick up the kids at school.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Princess or Tomboy?

Maggie's frequent phrase is "that doesn't make me pretty!" and then she only wears the clothes that do make her pretty. Yet her typical behavior brings her right into the role of playing hard! This particular day she was playing with dirt, rocks and her wheelbarrow, and she was climbing through the brush to retrieve her treasures - all while dressed in her fanciest clothes. She loves princesses ... and playing soccer. She is beautiful in both roles ... it will be fascinating to see what emerges!

Have you met my son ... Benny Rodriguez?

Connor has worn baseball uniforms on a regular basis for the past couple of years. It's not atypical to see him in full Red Sox uniform at school, at the grocery store ... or wherever we are when he feels the need to be a baseball player. He also tends to assume personalities as they suit him. For awhile this year he was Anakin Skywalker, then Luke Skywalker ... then Uncle Ted! He signs his name, and dresses as best he can, as his hero. I just love that.

This fall he watched "Sandlot" for the second (or third?) time. Benny Rodriguez is the hero of the movie. He ends up playing #3 for the LA Dodgers. This fall Connor decided he would be Benny Rodriguez. He signed all of his school papers as "Benny." He stared wearing the jeans and baseball jersey combination. Then for Christmas he asked for a "real Dodgers jersey with Benny's name and number." MLB websites did not allow names and numbers that did not match reality, so Santa had his work cut out for him ... but he came through with iron-on letters and numbers on a real Dodgers shirt. So, Connor has a Rodriguez #3 shirt. Then Connor became fascinated with "PF Flyers" ... the shoes that Benny wore ... they were the shoes that made everyone faster. Connor took his own pair of shoes and we pasted "PF" labels on them. That was enough for awhile. Then Connor wanted real PF Flyers shoes and a 3/4 length green baseball jersey to wear under the Dodgers uniform jersey ... then the jeans had to be rolled up (just like Benny's). Between the Easter Bunny and Mom and Dad's generosity, Connor now has the complete Benny Rodriguez uniform, which he wears proudly on a regular basis!

Oh my goodness do I love this child!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Four Wheelering!

No matter how many times we say "Four Wheeling," Brady talks excitedly about "Four Wheelering!" In September we rented ATVs and rode around the sand dunes in St. Anthony, ID. We just took the boys (Gary was here and stayed with Maggie). Brady absolutely loved the experience and has talked about it all year. When we asked him what adventure he wanted to do for his birthday, without hesitation he said, "I want to go four wheelering again!"

Today was the day. The boys had the day off from school, and Maggie was able to spend the afternoon with Gabby. After 4 days of snow, we woke up to clear blue skies and sunshine. It was even somewhat warm in St. Anthony. We rented two ATVs for two hours. It was perfect. Corb and Brady were on one and Connor and I were on the other. We found a couple of spots where we let Brady drive alone where we could watch him. Then, Connor asked to have a chance to try it on his own, and we agreed. I was filled what I'd imagine is the typical motherly mix of emotions -- fear and nervousness watching my boys do something rather dangerous, joy in their pure excitement and pride and happiness, and pride in watching them learn and take on something new. I loved watching all three :-) of my boys have fun today, four-wheeling in the sand dunes. But I will say that Corbin and I were both so happy that we only rented for two hours ... just as the boys got what we'd call "too much" confidence, time was up!