Friday, May 21, 2010

Highway 22

A break in the weather prompted a late morning descision to ski the pass today.  We left the house around 11 a.m. and found ourselves in the parking lot at the top of Teton Pass shortly thereafter.  The weather pattern lately has been cloudy with a chance of meatballs, yet when we got up this morning to blue sky and sun we decided to take advantage of it.

The hike to the top of Glory Mtn. is steep.  When you add in the fact that the boot track was a little scarce in parts and that we had rocks to navigate, the approach became an adventure.

 Yet, at the top we could see the Grand and the valleys on either side.

The ski down was superb.  The snow could not have been better-an inch of corn on top of a solid base.  A great run all the way down to 1st turn.  After a quick walk back to the car we headed back to town to pick up the kids at school.

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