Friday, May 7, 2010

Four Wheelering!

No matter how many times we say "Four Wheeling," Brady talks excitedly about "Four Wheelering!" In September we rented ATVs and rode around the sand dunes in St. Anthony, ID. We just took the boys (Gary was here and stayed with Maggie). Brady absolutely loved the experience and has talked about it all year. When we asked him what adventure he wanted to do for his birthday, without hesitation he said, "I want to go four wheelering again!"

Today was the day. The boys had the day off from school, and Maggie was able to spend the afternoon with Gabby. After 4 days of snow, we woke up to clear blue skies and sunshine. It was even somewhat warm in St. Anthony. We rented two ATVs for two hours. It was perfect. Corb and Brady were on one and Connor and I were on the other. We found a couple of spots where we let Brady drive alone where we could watch him. Then, Connor asked to have a chance to try it on his own, and we agreed. I was filled what I'd imagine is the typical motherly mix of emotions -- fear and nervousness watching my boys do something rather dangerous, joy in their pure excitement and pride and happiness, and pride in watching them learn and take on something new. I loved watching all three :-) of my boys have fun today, four-wheeling in the sand dunes. But I will say that Corbin and I were both so happy that we only rented for two hours ... just as the boys got what we'd call "too much" confidence, time was up!

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