Monday, August 20, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Leaving for SLC
We drove to Salt Lake City this morning and I put Nancy on the kids on a plane back to Andover.  I'm going to miss driving back East with everyone, processing the summer and talking about the excitement of the upcoming school year.  It was a long day in the car, around 13 hours round trip.  Just a warmup for what's to come.  I leave for Andover in two days and need to make it to Purity Springs by Friday night.
At the SLC airport

I took the back way home from Salt Lake.  I went through Soda Springs, past Blackfoot Reservoir, into Freedom, WY, through Alpine, WY and Swan Valley, and ultimately back to the Teton Valley.

Not a good place to break down

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our Final Week

We went into our last week here with the idea that we wanted to appreciate what we had, not overschedule our week, enjoy the quiet moments, and allow for spontaneous moments.  With no good excuse, we felt a bit tired and less energized than usual.  Many in the valley attributed exhaustion and headaches to the smoke in the valley.  While I have no idea about any correlation, I can say that we had a slower week than usual.

What emerged?  Bike rides to the creamery, baseball for Corb and Connor, quality time for Brady and Lia (before she headed on a family vacation), fires on the deck at night, dinners out, reading, card games, a day at Teton Springs pool, and a night at the rodeo!

Fire on the deck

On Tuesday we went to the Targhee pool and after Corb biked up, I was in need of a sanity trail run.  I took the chairlift up and ran down Bannock.  It felt pretty easy for me - not much cardio and faster than I expected.  My awesome track coach husband reminded me that CNS workouts (central nervous system workouts) - where your brain has to think about foot placement, balance, and agility - are very valuable!  Wednesday, I drove up to the Russells' ranch for a run with Susy.  We went in the heat of the day and I felt sluggish, but we enjoyed our time together on gravel roads and the kids enjoyed play time together.  Thursday, Brady and I went to Teton Springs so that Brady could babysit Tim while Susy and I went for a hike (and the rest of the kids did swim team practice).  We hiked Mud Lake and the kids enjoyed swimming.  Friday, we went raspberry picking.

Lisa and Mike Evans
The Cowgirls

Giddy up

Cheyenne Wilcox

Gabby on Abby (Cheyenne's horse)

Maggie on Abby
Friday night we went to Tony's Pizza and met the Wilcoxes and Batchens for dinner, then went to the rodeo.  Last summer, we went to about every rodeo; this year our first was August 17th.  Cheyenne is royalty, and she gave Maggie and Gabby rides on her horse, Abbey.  We ended up bringing Gabby home for a sleepover.  Today we tended to packing and cleaning business, while also looking at a possible new/used car for purchase, while Connor and Maggie played on the trampoline and met the Schmidt's pony, Blossom.  Brady mowed the lawn, Connor helped Corb take down the wall tent, and Maggie helped me pack clothes.

Tonight we are enjoying Corbin's raspberry pie and a movie at home after dinner out!

Eating Out!

We have had many themes around cooking and eating during our summers.  Some years we are inspired to cook a lot - grilling, slow cooker, new recipes, so many variations.  We have some things that are our "summer standards" - rice & beans, bran muffins, BLTs, local garden salads, homemade pizza dough with toppings, etc.  This year, more than ever, we have been tempted by local restaurants!  This past week, in particular, I have insisted that we clean out the fridge, not shop, and eat our dinners out.  We always love TWR beef, we happily tried a new Thai place in town, we cannot resist our Brakeman burgers, and Big Hole BBQ is a new favorite.  This week we also tried out the new Mexican place in town and found that they have the best tacos around.  Friday night, when we finally committed to going to the rodeo, we announced to our friends that we'd start the evening with dinner at Tony's Pizza (much to our kids' disappointment, we had not yet dined at Tony's this summer), and the Wilcoxes and Batchens joined us.  It was a very fun evening.  Tonight as we were headed out, the Russells called and told us they'd like to join us for a "good-bye" dinner but didn't want to eat at TWR, lest Susy be easily called away (as can happen way too easily), so we agreed to meet them at Warbirds Cafe!  We ended up having a very fun evening, eating out on the patio and enjoying a few takeoffs and landings (the local private airport).  We all sense that we haven't had enough time with the Russells, who we would consider some of our best family friends ever, so each moment together is cherished.  I genuinely miss my time with Susy when I'm not here - and I know she feels the same way.  I hope to sneak in a quick run with her tomorrow morning (Sun 8/19), but if it doesn't work out I'll be grateful for the time we've had, even if some of it has been at restaurants!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Raspberry Picking

This morning we went raspberry picking.  There is a u-pick patch just outside of Victor on the way to Pine Creek Pass.  The Russell clan joined us.  After an initial lesson of what and how to pick, the patch owner sent us down the rows.  It reminded me of hiking because soon the kids clustered together in different groups, talking about everything under the sun as they picked.  It was a very mild morning and the picking was relatively easy, so conversation flowed.  Throughout the morning different groups of kids and adults formed, chatted, broke up among the rows, formed again and talked more.  At the end of the morning we had picked almost 3 flats (gallons) of berries and solved the problems of the world.  After a stop at the library and an Emporium milk shake,  we drove home.

Morning Baseball

Morning Baseball at Lyon's Park
This week Connor and I have been going to Lyon's Park every morning for a little baseball session.  The routine usually begins with a warm up toss.  Then I hit a bucket of balls to him as he rotates through every infield position.  I set up the pitch back at first base and tie my shirt on the net to give him a throwing target.  Next, he hits as I pitch.  Connor tries to see how many balls he can get into the outfield before hitting the dirt infield.  Afterwards, we head to the gas station to replenish.  Maggie joined us one morning and Connor was so supportive, giving her pointers and showing her the routine. One morning, instead of the gas station we went to Pendl's.  Connor's skills are improving.

Heavy Hitter!

Apple Strudel with Whipped Cream

Batter up!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Quiet Days

Another lazy Sunday afternoon.
Well, I gave 2 haircuts - Brady spent the day with Lia at her grandparents' campground in Victor, returned in time for dinner & a shower, then went back for a sleepover at Lia's house. She and her family will leave for their vacation soon, so they are spending as much time together as they can now.  We ended up having a very nice Sunday, with a bikeride downtown for ice cream at the creamery, then haircuts for Corb and Connor, then we were treated to another dance performance by Maggie!  We all enjoyed a fish taco dinner on the back deck.  We heard it was a good night to watch the meteor shower, so we had a fire and hung out on the deck in hopes of seeing the show.  However, we gave up around 11pm.  Maybe we'll look again tonight.  We did have a visit by a family of raccoons who wandered through the backyard!  This morning, Brady and Lia are having another lemonade stand (proceeeds go to save the snow leopards), Corb & Connor are off playing baseball, and Maggie is choreographing more dances in her "dance studio" (aka the garage). Quiet days are really nice.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


As I sit here on a lazy Sunday, it has taken me hours to catch up on a week's worth of blogs!  That is due, in part, to my cumbersome and clumsy computer.  However, it's also because we are doing so much that I want to document everything.  As Corb and I talked about our final week here, we both agreed that we've really "had our fill" of pretty much everything.  Of course, we want to do more and to be here longer ... but it's pretty awesome to know that we don't "need" anything more than a quiet week together as a family.  If we don't schedule things, maybe those really cool spontaneous bike rides, afternoons at the pool, dinners out ... whatever ... will just happen :-)   We have talked of possibly camping overnight on the ridge, hiking with Susy and Jeff, a rodeo (we still haven't done that this summer!), another fishing float ... but we'll see what each day brings.  While this summer has flown by faster than ever, I'm so grateful for the time we've had here.  We have done some of what we planned and embraced unexpected opportunities.  There are, and will be, some things left undone.  That, I suppose, is as it always is ... and probably should be.  For today, I hope to do haircuts for all 3 boys.

More Floating and Fun with Friends

On Wednesday (8/8), we headed up to the pool with plans for biking and running.  Corb biked up while I drove up with the kids.  We swam for a couple of hours until Susy arrived with Ann and Tim.  Corb watched all the kids at the pool, while Susy and I went for a trail run.  I have really wanted to check out the new Lightning Ridge trails - it was worth the wait and the slight fear of bears!  The trail is in great condition - pleasant running and fabulous views without the tough climb needed to get to the top of Fred's Mt (where the Targhee Dreamcatcher chairlift goes).  Wednesday evening, we all (our family and Susy's) headed down to Teton Springs to hear the Miller Sisters perform.  The kids had fun with friends and I got to catch up a bit with Tammy.  Corb and I took the kids to the Brakeman for a later dinner afterward.  The Brakeman was crowded, so when warned that service might be slow, we got a deck of cards and played an awesome - epic :-) - family game of Crazy 8's!  The burgers were, as always, worth the wait.

On Thursday afternoon, I floated the river with Karee Miller, Heather Wilcox, and Stephanie Walters.  Susy was supposed to join us (and Corb was going to watch most of her kids), but Tim got sick so she had to skip this one.  Despite the crowds on the river and our lazy, laughter-filled float, we spotted 3 bull moose along the way!

Susy at top of Lightning Ridge

Nancy at top of Lightning Ridge
On Friday, we coordinated a bike ride for Corb, an oil change for the truck, and an afternoon at Teton Springs pool with the Russells into one outing.  Although thunderstorms interrupted our swimming twice,  the kids managed to have a good time together and Susy and I got a few minutes of relaxing in the hot tub!  Susy also got the call that their offer on a house had been accepted - it looks as if we'll be visiting them in Victor next summer.  After the pool, Corb and I took the kids to Big Hole BBQ for dinner.  Actually, our intention was to pick up dinner and take it home, but the kids loved the place so much and were so excited to try the food that we all "bellied up" to the counter and enjoyed their famous brisket and pulled pork.  It was such a hit that all the kids are asking when we can return.  Brady said it was even better than Brakeman burgers - which is saying a lot for him!

Karee and Candice Miller - The Miller Sisters at Teton Springs
Karee, Heather, Steph, Nancy - start of ladies' float

 We saw 3 bull moose!

More chilling and floating than paddling!

Karee, Steph, Heather at take out
Tim, Brady, Elsa, Maggie, Connor, Will

Susy and Tim

Corb even got off the oars long enough to paddle board!
Saturday (8/11) was Susy's birthday.  After Corb took Jeff fishing a couple of weeks ago, Jeff has been anxious to get his whole family out on the river.  So, with multiple trips and a lot of coordinating, we embarked on a really fun float, with our canoe and driftboat and 3 paddle boards.  It was a first for the Russell family and our kids were very happy to have a second chance on the boards.  Again - lots of laughter!  Reminded of last year's celebration of Susy's birthday, Connor and I picked up morning glory muffins and cookies at Pendl's in the morning and brought them out for our first snack on the float - with a nice loud rendition of "Happy Birthday" that scared away any wildlife that may have remained!  We also came upon a stray dog, who was clearly injured and likely abandoned.  The kids all rallied to figure out how to help him (they were also scheming for how to keep him, of course).  He rode part way down the river in the boat with us, but he got nervous so we let him out on the bank and he followed us the rest of the way downstream.  We ended up calling the sheriff to take him to the local animal shelter (the only way to get him into the shelter during off-hours).  We were so happy to have the entire Russell family out with us - that's a rarity this summer as the ranch and restaurant are keeping them very busy.

Saturday night we had a nice quiet family taco dinner at home - everyone tired and happy!
Dinner on the back deck

Great Summer with the Greens

The Greens had to leave on Friday 8/10.  We've had a really great summer with them, and wanted to enjoy our last week together here.  Monday (8/6) turned out to be a cloudy, somewhat rainy, day.  We took our kids and Caden to the Victor bike park, then the library and the Emporium for shakes.  That afternoon, all 6 kids (along with Macrea Doyle) went to Local Yocals for an art workshop.  Kath and I shuttled Corb and Chad for one last Teton River fishing float, and then enjoyed a stop at the Wolf before picking up the kids.  We also picked up dinner and went to our house for another dinner and movie night together.  Caden stayed for a sleepover - he and Connor slept out in the wall tent!  Tuesday morning, they wanted to walk down to the skatepark alone.  Wanting to grant them some independence, but nervous about too big an adventure, I agreed to let them walk down alone and then to meet them there with the truck.  Maggie joined and they all played hard at the skatepark -- on scooters and "American Ninja Warrioring" as we now call it!  Tuesday afternoon, we embarked on our "LanGreen Floatilla" on the Teton.  2 canoes + 2 paddleboards + 6 kids = lots of laughs and lots of fun!  We ended the day with a stop for snowcones at Snowy, and remembered to take our "lineup" picture!  We also discovered that rootbeer snowies are not very good :-)

Will the kids ever tire of this picture?

The Emporium never gets old!

And it has such cool stuff!
Art Workshop
Maggie made it up the "warped wall"

Connor and Caden rest at the top of the bowl
Nancy on Paddleboard!

Lineup at Snowy after our float

At start of float

Considering the menu options at Bangkok Kitchen
On Thursday, Corb took our kids and Lucie and Caden up to the Targhee pool, while Kath and Chad packed up (I had previously agreed to a "ladies float" that afternoon).  Then we all met up for dinner at Bangkok Kitchen.  Corb and I have noted more than once this summer how special it is that the Lang and Green children are growing up together and that we can all treasure these summers in Driggs together.