Sunday, August 12, 2012


As I sit here on a lazy Sunday, it has taken me hours to catch up on a week's worth of blogs!  That is due, in part, to my cumbersome and clumsy computer.  However, it's also because we are doing so much that I want to document everything.  As Corb and I talked about our final week here, we both agreed that we've really "had our fill" of pretty much everything.  Of course, we want to do more and to be here longer ... but it's pretty awesome to know that we don't "need" anything more than a quiet week together as a family.  If we don't schedule things, maybe those really cool spontaneous bike rides, afternoons at the pool, dinners out ... whatever ... will just happen :-)   We have talked of possibly camping overnight on the ridge, hiking with Susy and Jeff, a rodeo (we still haven't done that this summer!), another fishing float ... but we'll see what each day brings.  While this summer has flown by faster than ever, I'm so grateful for the time we've had here.  We have done some of what we planned and embraced unexpected opportunities.  There are, and will be, some things left undone.  That, I suppose, is as it always is ... and probably should be.  For today, I hope to do haircuts for all 3 boys.

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