Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Frozen Pipes

A big high pressure is now dominating the region.  With it comes clear, cold mountain air---and frozen pipes.  Don't worry, it's not our pipes (we have slow leak in the kitchen sink we're justifying not fixing as our ounce of prevention).  The Driggs Elementary School has frozen pipes.  Yesterday around noon they discovered the problem and cancelled school.  Today it still wasn't fixed so no school again---and we took the boys skiing!  Brady led us down Lost Groomers to Waterfall (for the jumps) and Connor led us through Chief Joseph Bowl (working on his parallel turns).

We got home just in time to pick up Maggie from her school.  Then a quick turnaround for an afternoon of Judo at the Nikko dojo.  After dinner, Nancy read aloud from Shredderman and Elijah---and promptly put Connor to sleep on the couch.  I carried him down the hall into his bottom bunk.  

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