Monday, February 15, 2010

To the Top

Maggie skied down from the top of Fred's Mountain yesterday for the first time!  Nancy and I had been skiing with her all morning on Shoshone.  After lunch we asked her if she wanted to go up the big chair lift, Dream Catcher, to the top and she agreed.  At first she was a little hesitant, but followed Nancy down Teton Vista Traverse as I was the caboose---no problem.  At the bottom she said, "let's do it again."  So up we go for the second run.

After a few pieces of candy on the chair ride up, Maggie proclaimed that she wanted to be "the line leader" on this run.  With a little hesitation Nancy and I agreed and she took off.  The first part of the run is above timberline and Maggie navigated the traverse like a pro.  As the main run gets below timberline, there are plenty of opportunities to dart in and out of the trees, take little side tracks, and go over rollers.   As the "line leader" on this run, Maggie decided to exercise her authority and explore these digressions.   A little air here, a little stumble there and she made it down in no time---again asking to do it again.  That's my girl.

As a frame of reference, that's Mary's Peak in the right side of the last picture.  It's in-bounds, but you need to hike to the top.  You can see a group of skiers on the top.  I don't know what the name of the ridge behind Mary's is, but if you click on the picture you'll see some nice lines.

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