Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sick of Sick!

Oh my goodness are we sick of everyone being sick! I will start out by saying that I know we are very lucky that this is somewhat rare for us ... our kids are generally healthy, as are we. This week, our house is simply full of germs and illness - gross. All the kids are sniffly and coughing and have had on and off touches of the stomach bug. Corb's chest cold lingers annoyingly. I relapsed on Wednesday, so much so that I could not move out of bed - literally. On Thursday, I finally got an antibiotic to treat pneumonia - lovely. That same day Maggie was sent home from school ... sick. Friday the boys had the day off anyway, so we kept them all home and declared it a sick day. We tried to give everyone a chance to rest, and Corbin went around the house disinfecting doorknobs, light switches, the remote control, etc. I do have more energy this morning, but my coughing fits are nothing short of completely annoying (to me and anyone within earshot)! Adding insult to injury, we've had 3 powder days in a row!!!

Ahh ... this, too, shall pass.

Oh, I also want to say that I am so impressed by the health clinic and doctor we've visited a couple of times this year. We've gotten nothing short of professional, thorough, respectful, friendly care -- and I'm comparing this to our primary care physicians in Andover. Who knew?!

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