Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Home Alone

I had a good trip to Andover (despite some annoying travel delays heading east). Meetings proved helpful and worthwhile. In taking this job last December, I had hope that there is a positive connection between a job you love and a happy home life ... my time in Andover reassured me that this is not a silly idea. I am very excited about what I'll be doing, and I am buoyed by my boss' genuine support of me and of our family life. Granted, the pace of the past few days turned me upside down ... too much in too little time ... evenso, I have more faith that our return to Andover can and will be a positive experience for all of us. Of course, as soon as I saw the Tetons as I landed in Jackson, I just felt my whole entire self exhale ...

Much of my faith in a happy return I am sure has to do with the short, but deeply rich, time spent with my family. I had a wonderful evening with my parents and Maribeth and 4 of her children. I missed Michael. Those children have grown so much ... I have always thought of MB as the mom any kid is so lucky to have ... and seeing her happy, well-adjusted, polite, articulate, eccentric, confident kids who are so caring toward each other, I was reminded of MB as a child! I also had a wonderful evening with our best friends, the Greens. Kath and Chad and their 3 children will spend next year in South Africa. In essence we will all be apart for 2 years. However, knowing what I know about what this year has been for us, my happiness for them and the year they have ahead transcends any sadness I have in being away from them for another year. I shared some special moments with each child. The time with the Bechtold and Green children was a big highlight of this trip.

Corbin reports a fun and celebratory trip to Oregon. They had a surprise party for Sue's retirement and a lot of good family time. Corb and the kids are now in Washington with Sue and Gary. Brady has already made a birdhouse with Gary. Connor ventured to the nearby tennis courts and befriended the tennis instructor yesterday. Today he took a lesson and apparently there will be another lesson tomorrow! Maggie is as playful as always ... good to know she can do that anywhere.

Now I am home alone. I'm good at being alone. But I have that uneasy feeling you get when your family is not with you. And I find that free time makes me want to be uber-productive! Hmmm ... maybe I need to work on this being alone thing ... I just know that I will be VERY happy when Corb and the kids return home.

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