Monday, June 21, 2010

Our Week in Yakima

Me and the boys got back last night from whoopin' it up for a week in Yakima.

Mom, Dad, and Lala showed us all a good time.  The kids liked playing in Lala's tree house under her enormous blue spruce.  It was a little cool, but we still managed a swim at the pool, soccer in the backyard, and bikes/scooters/rip sticks in the driveway.  And of course TV.  It has been awhile since we've had our hands on the remote control of cable TV.  The kids got caught up on cartoons and we all got caught up with the World Cup Soccer games.

Each of us also got special time with the grandparents.  Brady build a bird house with Papa, Maggie played dress up with Suey, and Connor and Poppa played whale in the pool.

On the first morning we were there, Connor went to the tennis courts behind the back yard to play.  After awhile I went back to check on him and he had befriended the tennis coach who was giving a group lesson to a bunch of 8-12 year olds.   The coach informed me that Connor would be perfect for this group lesson.  I said, "we'll think about it,'' and to send Connor home when they were done.  Two hours later Connor comes home for lunch swinging a borrowed racket.  After a quick sandwich he was back to the tennis courts for more.  Connor spent the next two days on the tennis courts taking lessons, making friends, and hitting balls.

I had saved a few books on tape for the drive home.  We all enjoyed many laughs listening to the stories of  Bill Harley.  Nancy was waiting for us with open arms and a great dinner.

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