Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Two plays - Connor's last game

Connor had his last baseball game on Monday night (can't believe the season's over!!!). We were running late after spending the day shopping in Idaho Falls and Connor had to change into his uniform in the car and run to catch his chance at bat.

At his first at bat, he struck out. He was resilient and continued to play well with his normal intense level of enthusiasm. He had a couple of great hits and was active in fielding. In fact, he wisely got out of a potential "pickle." There are two plays that must be recorded here. Note that all day today, we've been playing the game of "what's the call?" with some hypothetical baseball scenarios.

Play #1: Connor hits a double and is safe on second base. The next hitter gets strike one. The catcher overthrows back to the pitcher and the second baseman is slow to respond. Connor jumps off the base, fields the ball, and throws accurately back to the pitcher. Fans laugh in amazement, coaches exchange looks and agree to let it go.

Play #2: Connor is on deck. The batter fouls with a ball that pops up back toward the backstop. The catcher is too far to catch it and doesn't make a move. The ball was heading for Connor's head, but he was watching. With the bat in his right hand, he casually reaches up with his left hand (with a batting glove on), grabs the ball out of the air, and tosses the ball back to the pitcher (with his left hand). Fans call, "Nice catch" and the coaches just chuckle.

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