Thursday, July 28, 2011

Maggie Lost her First Tooth

A few weeks ago, we took care of our friends' almost one-year-old son, Sam. I picked him up for a diaper change and was immediately struck by how this thing, changing diapers, which had been such a regular part of my life for years was now a part of our past. When did I stop changing diapers?

Today Maggie lost her first tooth! Both of her bottom front teeth have been loose for a little while, and she's been holding onto them, hoping that Poppa Gary can pull them out for her (as she remembers he did for Connor). Today, a bite into an apple brought us the exciting moment which cannot be taken back. She took it in stride, very happy to celebrate the moment. She and Connor collaborated on a note to the Tooth Fairy and planned the night .... until bedtime. Then Maggie, who really does not like the idea of characters, realized she was very scared to have the Tooth Fairy come into her home. We came up with a plan -- put the tooth and the note out on the kitchen table so the Tooth Fairy would not enter the bedroom. That seemed good for awhile ... for a short moment. Then Maggie just could not stand the idea that this Tooth Fairy might enter her home at all. We have taken the tooth and the note and hidden them so that the Tooth Fairy will not even know about this lost tooth at all ... until Maggie is ready.

I so love my little girl ... who does not want the Tooth Fairy to come?!

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