Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bike Ride in the Park

We set off for our annual ride in the Park yesterday.  It was a different trip this year with Connor visiting Gramma Sue and Poppa in Redmond and Brady camping with Lia.  Maggie also decided that she didn't want the trailer bike.

Although the overcast skies partially obscured the tops of the peaks, it meant cooler temperatures.  

We set off from the Taggart Lake parking lot and rode towards Jenny Lake for a couple of miles.  At some point, Maggie decided she wanted to turn around and we rode back to the truck.  A quick snack on the tailgate and we were off to our favorite place in Jackson for panini's.  

A quick tour of the usual retail stores lead us over to the playground so Maggie could do the monkey bars.  Then back in the truck for a ride over the pass to meet the Russell's for dinner at the TWR Grill.

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