Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Central Oregon Trip

We had a wonderful visit with Corbin's family in Central Oregon.  We stayed with Gary and Sue in their new home, on their new farm.  Highlights included kids driving the John Deere Gator around the fields, and Corbin even got a chance to move dirt and rocks around with the tractor!  We finally got to meet Jack, when he and Amy spent a full day with us.  Maggie loved taking care of him!  The day after we arrived was Nick and Cassidy's 12th birthday, and we were included in the birthday festivities -- volleyball, games, cookout, pizza cake -- Connor even stayed and spent the night with his cousins!  Our kids were disappointed to miss the Victor Parade on the 4th, but the Redmond Parade did not disappoint - lots of cars and more than enough candy.  We cooled off that afternoon with a swim in Bend, then had a fun dinner and watched the fireworks at the Nelsons' home.  The next day, while Sarah and Tom had to work, Zach, Nick and Cass spent the day with us - morning at the farm, afternoon at the High Desert Museum in Bend.  Brady posed with his dream car, the Mustang Shelby, in the parking lot!  Friday was a boating day at Settle Lake.  Everyone got a chance to sail with Poppa Gary, and both Brady and Connor got rides in the MiniMax that Zach built with Poppa.  With a canoe and driftboat in the mix, we were never short of boats -- but the biggest hit of the day might have been splashing around on the air mattress!!  At the end of the day, the boys had fun catching - and scaring adults with - a garter snake.  We left on Saturday morning, but left Connor to stay for an extra week.  He was so excited for more cousin time and is thoroughly enjoying lots of individual attention from his grandparents!

Jack, Maggie, Connor

The Gator

Volleyball at the Birthday Party

Maggie and Cassie at the pool

Smoky greets us at the Museum

Putting the kids to work on the Museum Homestead

Grandparents and Cousins
Redmond Parade

Dinner at the Nelsons

Adults ate inside!

Boats on Settle Lake

Zach and Connor in the MiniMax

Poppa and Cass in the Sailboat

Maggie and Jack

Connor with the snake
Nick with the snake

Brady with the snake
Connor and Nick
Brady's dream car!
Cass lends Maggie her dress

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