Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tin Cup ... and thensome

Saturday morning (7/21) Gary and Sue left at about 6am.  It was the morning of the 5th Annual Tin Cup Challenge, the biggest fundraiser for all non-profits in the valley.  It includes a bunch of road races and a fair in the park.  I have not been training for anything long and was thinking I might walk the 5k with kids or jog the 10k for fun.  However, earlier in the week when I had a chance to walk with Tammy and Sharon, Sharon talked me into considering the 1/2 marathon.  We agreed that we could probably do it "off the couch" if we took a walk/run approach and agreed to abandon all notions of time.  Heather was up for joining us, so Heather, Sharon and I did it together.  We did a very comfortable combination of running and walking ... with lots of positive talk and laughter along the way.  Heather ended up with a PR and we all finished with smiles.  I actually felt great during the entire run, and hydrated well with Heed and water.  However, as soon as I finished I didn't feel well.  I drank my recovery drink, sat in the shade and convinced myself that I was fine.  But after walking around the park with the kids in the heat, I was feeling worse.  Corb noticed and announced it was time to head home.  He was just in time as I was definitely hit with a case of heat stroke.  I needed the entire day to recover, with good care from Corb and the kids.  Although we'd planned on the pool, we decided no more sun and just rest at home.

By Sunday, I was feeling better and we headed to the pool.  We got in a decent hour or so before the thunderstorms hit, just after the Greens arrived.  So we enacted Plan B -- Corb took Connor and Caden to our house and Kath and I took the rest to her house.  Kath and I enjoyed sitting on the porch drinking coffee, watching the storms while the kids watched "Sister Act 2."  Chad and Lynnie were fishing the South Fork with a guide (Hope Strong, of the local newspaper) and took shelter in a permanent campsite for the storm, but enjoyed good fishing.

Sunday evening, after an easy BLT dinner, we headed up to the Russell's home in Tetonia for an evening visit.  Susy and Jeff have been working so hard that it's not been easy to find time together.  We have hopes of doing a hike (over the top, we hope!) together, but we were happy to get a nice Sunday evening visit on their deck while the kids played.  The sunset was breathtaking.

Monday was a perfect family Targhee day.  We had a relaxing, sleep-in morning (who am I kidding? we have those all the time :-)!!) ... then Corb biked up to Targhee while I drove up with the kids.  Once up there, Brady decided to do the climbing wall (after doing one at the Tin Cup fair and reigniting his interest).  He rocked it, by the way.  When Corb got there, I went for a recovery trail run.  I am so scared of wildlife (and knowing that a bear cub was spotted the day before didn't help), that I ran with my music on without headphones and was talking the whole time - as if I were with a group!!  I did a warmup loop on the "hamster" trails - down by the horse stables.  Then I did some stretching on the gravel road.  Feeling good, I decided to run up Bannock as far as I could.  I made it to the top of Shoshone and turned back and ran down ... a good recovery day for me ... confidence restored!  The pool felt great after that.  Then Corb and Connor biked down to Teton Canyon, where we picked them up on the way home.  Everyone got a little something out of the day (Maggie just loves to swim) and all were happy.

Heather PRs!

Sharon and Nancy after "off the couch" 1/2 marathon!

Kids play Flag Football at Russells, note alpenglow on Tetons!
Brady on the Rock Wall at Targhee

The "hard" route

Lucie, Maggie, Connor, Bode, Caden, Dylan, Brady at Brakeman

Monday evening, we picked up Bode Calder and headed to Victor for pickup baseball.  We met the Greens and Caden, Connor, & Bode played baseball.  Will Russell was there, and Corb was recruited for a little outfield coaching.  We all went to the Brakeman for burgers afterward -- party of 12 ... the Greens with Lynnie and us with Bode.  It was a very good day!

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