Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Table Mountain

Kath and Corb climb the final section to the top

Feels as if you can reach out and touch the Tetons

Attempted photo of ourselves!

Kath and Corb - wildflowers blooming on the hike down

Chillin in the creek - Teton Creek, that is!
With Gary and Sue here, Corb and I wanted to take a day hike together.  We had been hoping that maybe we could hike with Kath and Chad, especially since Lynnie was visiting them at the same time so we all had natural childcare, but we weren't sure it would come together since the Greens had been camping all week.  However, on Thursday afternoon, we contacted Kath and Chad to see if they might be up for a last minute hike up Table on Friday (they were arriving home on Thursday night).  They rallied, and we picked them up at 6:45am and headed to the trailhead.  Cloud cover and a bit of drizzle kept us very cool on the hike up.  We started up the face at 7:30 and were up on top by 10am.  We spent about 45 minutes up on top and savored the fabulous views.  Corb and I did this hike for the first time 5 years ago, and I then claimed it my favorite hike - because of the unbelievable views.  Since then I've been up about 3 times before this one and we've decided our favorite route is to hike up the face (fastest way up) and down the traditional route (gentler decline and beautiful the whole way).  It was Kath and Chad's first time up, and they were as awestruck as we were ... and continue to be each time.  We were down by 2:15, and soaked our feet in the creek before heading to the Wolf for a beer and some appetizers.  We were treated to dinner cooked by Gary and Sue when we got home - it was their last night here as they planned to leave early Saturday morning.

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