Monday, March 29, 2010

Buffalo Stew

To participate in the Antelope Island Buffalo Run, each runner was asked to contribute a can of vegetables to add to the post-race meal, buffalo stew. I was hoping that the stew was the only buffalo I'd see close up all day - and it was! I enjoyed a wonderful cup of stew after I crossed the finish line of my first ultramarathon, a 50K (32.5 miles, actually). I really enjoyed the whole experience. The weather cooperated, the trails were clear and dry, the views were gorgeous, the race was well-organized, and the runners were fun and supportive of each other. I finished the hilly course in about 6 1/2 hours and had no real mistakes or problems. Although my muscles were sore, I had no issues with blisters, toenails or any of the other nasty things that ultrarunners tend to deal with on a regular basis. I even got a free massage after the race, which helped work out some of the soreness.

Running that distance was not easy though, and I enjoyed the challenge of pushing myself to run when I hurt and to speed walk up the hills when I wanted to stroll casually! At one point I got down on myself about my pace, but I pushed the negative thoughts away rather quickly, remembering why I was doing this. I am proud of the money that I've already helped raise for Project Running Hope to America, and I am genuinely warmed by the love and support of so many people in my life. I thought a lot about the children who have been orphaned and who have the courage to try to keep their families together and about how lucky I am to have my own children. I spent time thinking of Uncle Ted and family. Ted is undergoing a second brain surgery within a week to remove a brain tumor. The challenges that so many others face are inspiring reminders to me about the fact that simply being out on a trail, strong and healthy enough to run a 50K, with the love and support of my family and friends is a true privilege. I am so blessed.

We were able to turn the long weekend into a fun family adventure, with our friends the Russells. Susy and Jeff also both ran the 50K, and their 4 kids and our kids enjoyed lots of playtime at the hotel pool and in our rooms. Connor and Will even had a sleepover in our room on Saturday night. I think the kids had enough pizza to last a few months and I know Corbin and I had enough of "strip mall heaven" to last more than a few months!

Now we are happy to be home ... and I am happy to feel so recovered as I prepare for a 50 miler in less than 2 weeks!

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