Monday, March 15, 2010

Visitors from Montana

We had some visitors this weekend.  While making breakfast Saturday morning I noticed this group of deer making their way from the backyard to the front.  Not long after they passed through, Carl, Andre, and Emma Anderberg drove down the driveway.

Carl and I went to MSU together.  He teaches math in Helena.  His wife, Andre, is a librarian in the school district.  Emma is in 5th grade. While in Bozeman, we had plenty of days teleskiing at Bridger Bowl.  We have also put turns together on the Beartooth Highway in the middle of summer and countless bike rides throughout Gallatin County.  We had a great weekend with them.

The Targhee ski patrol had a fund raiser on Saturday at the base area.  The highlight was "burying" kids in snow shelters while the patrol dogs dug them out.  Connor was the willing "victim".  The picture at the right is Brady, Emma, and Connor sticking their heads out of one of the shelters.

Saturday was cloudy and snowing, but Sunday was sunny.  Brady and Connor skied with their team, Emma was snowboarding for the second dime with Andre, and Nancy was skiing with Maggie so Carl and I were able to steal away and take a few runs together.  Mostly we dropped into Chief Joseph's Bowl.  There wasn't a ton of new snow, but enough to soften up the good spots.  The Scotty Bob's were happy for some fresh snow.

In the afternoon, while the boys were still skiing with their team, the rest of us took a run from the top.  While Maggie and Nancy continued on the Teton Traverse, the Anderbergs and I jumped off the catwalk into the spring corn.  About halfway down we looked over at the ridge to Peaked and noticed a long line of people boot backing up the trail.  We watched as they settled at the top of Toilet Bowl to catch their breath.  About that time I saw Maggie and Nancy below us so we skied down to them.  When I met Brady at the base at the end of the day, he said he skied Toilet Bowl with his team!  Yeah, that was his team skiing the chutes off the north side of Peaked as their graduation ceremony.  Wow!  Impressive.

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