Monday, March 15, 2010


Spring has sprung---spring skiing that is.  Sunglasses, light coats, sunscreen, and sitting on the plaza in Adirondack chairs after a great day of skiing.  We had a great day of skiing today.

We talked our friends, Susy and Jeff, into skiing today with the goal of hiking Mary's.  The picture above was taken in February, but Mary's is the farthest point to the right in the picture.   Yeah, that's the Grand to the left.

After everyone dropped their kids at school, we meet on the plaza.  A quick warm up run down from the top and we were off to hike.  After a slightly hard---read icy---ski over to the access gate, we disrobed and began the walk.

The trail was boot packed with good steps kicked into the snow.  At the top, we shared the small point with a group of kids on spring break from Minnesota.  Needless to say they were huffing and puffing.  After clicking a few pictures we headed down.  There was a little crust to break through right at the top, but as we worked our way down into the trees the snow got softer and deeper.  Good fun had by all.

By the end of the day we had bagged two loops on Mary's. We parted ways with Susy and Jeff on the plaza at 2:30.  We all had kids to pick up from school, snacks to make, and homework to help with.

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