Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break Begins

Brady has been asking to try snowboarding for the past month or so. Yesterday, he got his wish. Brady and our friend, Elsa, took a 2+ hour snowboarding lesson in the morning and then spent the afternoon practicing. They both loved it and took to it rather well. While they were riding, Corbin and I skied with Maggie and Connor. Mostly we stayed on Shoshone, as the weather never warmed up quite enough to soften up the snow on top. We plan to go back up today, in part to watch the freestyle competition finals off Peaked Mountain! Late yesterday afternoon, we returned home to two phone messages. One was an invitation to a bar-b-que (at Heather and Harley Wilcox's home) last night, which turned out to be a wonderful gathering with many friends - a nice way to end the day. The second was Brady's friend, calling to see when they could go snowboarding together - yikes, I guess this wasn't his only day of snowboarding, just his first!

I'm off to meet my friends for a relatively early (7-9am) run. After Friday's long, hilly day over
the pass, I'm beginning my taper for next Saturday's race. When in my life did I ever think a 2 hour run would be part of a taper?!

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