Sunday, August 8, 2010

Darby Canyon Wind Caves

The Miller Sisters are a popular local singing duo. One of the sisters is a fairly new running friend of mine ... yet I jump at any opportunity to hear them sing just because they harmonize so beautifully! This morning they played at Pendl's, the bakery downtown. It was a great morning to enjoy muffins, juice, coffee and good music. A group of about 6 families (some with kids, some without) met at Pendl's before our hike.

By noon, we were on the Darby Canyon trail on our way up to the Wind Caves. It's about an 8 mile hike, roundtrip. Those without kids, with baby on back, or with older kids hiked rather quickly. Susy and I walked at our kids' pace, which was sometimes quite fast and yet also required breaks! We weren't sure if we'd make it to the cave at the top of the hike ... but we did!! Brady, Connor, Elsa and Will were troopers, and they were genuinely happy for the entire hike. Of course "magic" sport beans and sharkies that give you special powers (endurance, strength, extra oxygen, climbing power) seem to work really well!

We explored, played, and just had a great day overall. The cave at the top is pretty cool. We went in only a little ways - did not venture into the darkness. Our friends went as far as they could go without climbing ropes. With the right gear, it's possible to climb through to the Fox Creek side!

In the one picture with 4 kids and me (on a rock) you can see the big wind cave, up over Brady's head, in the background ... tall, rectangular cave in the rocks.

Just before we left this morning, Connor was feeling nervous and did not want to go. I made the decision not to let him opt out. The struggle to get him out the door was so very worth it! This ranks up there as one of the top outings I've had with the two boys.

Brady, Connor and I got home around 5pm and found Corbin and Maggie very content after a good father-daughter day together!

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