Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The End is Near

Today we managed to get a good bit of packing done. We intentionally did not start that job until now. On Sunday we had some friends arrive - a couple from Andover. Over the past few years, Corbin and Tom have connected about fishing, and Tom and Susan spend some time in Montana about every other summer. This year, Tom decided to check out the fishing on the Teton River.

Corb and Tom fished as much as possible over 2 days. They caught lots of fish and saw plenty of wildlife. Tom's wife, Susan, is fortunately very partial to children! Susan, the kids, and I enjoyed a good hike up at Targhee. Susan and Tom also got a chance to float on the Teton alone. It was nice to get to know them better. I actually taught Susan and Tom's son, Tad, years ago. Tad's now 30 and planning his wedding ... yeah, I feel old!

I've also spend some time recently immersing myself in the local public school system. I attended a recent training on "Restorative Justice" and also met with the Superintendent. The day was full of hope and positive energy. All were eager to hear about my experiences as a parent with a background in education. I am impressed by the new elementary and high school principals and am optimistic about the future of the valley's public schools.

Bottom line is that it was great to pile some good fun plans into our last week, so that we did not spend too much time packing! Tomorrow I will enjoy a girls' day and night -- a "good-bye" party for me up at Targhee. We have a run, a hike, some pool time, a dinner, and an overnight planned. I will blog that later ... the meaning is beyond words now. I guess the only thing I can say is that while we are very sad to leave here ... very sad ... we have made a conscious decision to return to Andover. We know it's the best thing for our kids and our family, and we feel good about it. It's the right decision.

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