Friday, August 20, 2010

Girls Day at Targhee!

We had SO much fun! Yesterday morning Tammy picked me up and we met Susy up at Targhee. Our room was ready early, so we checked in and then went out to run Rick's Basin and Quakie Ridge. This is my favorite run ever -- one that Sarah Nelson and Amy Lang showed me during one of our first summers here and that I've run many times since. It remains my most favorite among all trail runs.

Next we met up with a group to do some hiking. We hiked up the Bannock Trail to the top of Fred's Mountain. Then we hiked down a little ways to get on the trail to Mary's. We thought we'd get to the top of Mary's (which Corb and I hiked and skied with Susy and Jeff this winter), but the trail only went to the saddle between Mary's and Peaked. However the views were (not surprisingly) spectacular, so we were very satisfied. Plus, our plan was to take the chairlift down to meet up with some others, and as it was we made the last chair down only by minutes!

Next was the pool and hottub ... Tammy brought Margaritas :-) !! Then dinner and then back to our room. Some people joined us for the hikes, some just for dinner ... then 6 of us hung out in our room for the evening. We are the "Vegas 6" ... the group who went to Vegas in April for the Labor of Love Races -- Susy, Tammy, Heather, Sharon, Corina and me. Although Corina couldn't spend the night, she hung with us for quite awhile. Lisa was supposed to join us but sadly got pretty sick and had to cancel (luckily I saw her for a bit early Thursday morning for the last core class I could fit in before we leave). Evenso, we had lots of laughs and put together a photo album for me, with all the collective pictures my friends brought with them.

This morning, we had an early breakfast. Most had to leave at that point, but Susy and I snuck in one more hike up and run down Fred's Mt (on TVT)! Then Corb and the kids met me at the pool, where we all had a nice couple of hours until our extended checkout at noon.

It was a very special more-than-24 hours for me! I got a chance to hike and run some of my favorites one more time, with some women I count among some of the best friends I have. My Teton Valley friends have been one of the most wonderful unexpected things about this year. We've shared some remarkable experiences together this year. I cherish these memories and friendships.

Then I got to just relax with my family and swim with the kids before returning to the reality of packing. The kids loved the chance to swim, and we had the pool to ourselves.

We'll do our best to blog these last couple of days ... and then our return trip, which we hope to make kind of fun!

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