Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sun Valley

After leaving Boise on Wednesday (7/16), Corbin and I headed to Ketchum to spend the night.  This spring, as plans were unfolding, we discussed the likelihood of camping near Sun Valley for some trail running and mountain biking on our way home from Boise.  In the oddest of coincidences, an old friend from my Air Force days contacted me this spring, after not being in touch for 25 years!  Her oldest son was graduating from Dartmouth in June, and she asked if we could meet for dinner.  It was great to hear from her and to find out that she lived in Boise, of all places!  So Corbin and I had a lovely dinner with Elisa and Steve in early June.  In talking about our summer plans, we mentioned our trip to Boise and Sun Valley, and they said, "Hey, we have a condo in Ketchum.  You're welcome to stay there when you travel through!"  So we did!

We arrived in Ketchum at about 7pm and found their beautiful townhouse.  We picked up some cheese and crackers and enjoyed a lovely evening on their patio.  On Thursday morning, after discovering how close their home was to two of the lift plazas, we decided to bike and run from their home and do some trails on Bald Mountain.  FABULOUS!  Truly.  I went up the Bald Mt. trail to the overlook, then connected to the River Run trail. It was about 6.5 miles of superb trail running.  Corbin did a loop from the Warm Springs lift area and met me at the base of River Run.  At the base, I noticed that a fly fishing demonstration was going on all morning.  When Corbin happened upon it, he realized the demo was being offered by Patagonia and Yvon Chouinard himself!  We lingered for a few minutes to soak in the experience.  After showering and resting, we headed into town to shop, eat, explore.  Our original plan was to spend only one night, but with the flexibility we had we made it a two night stay!  Our one stop on the way home was in Idaho Falls, for some items for our house and a "Jamba Juice" for the ride home.  Great mini-vacation.  I kept referring to it as our "17th anniversary celebration ... a little early!"
My Selfie from the lookout, view of Bald Mountain

View of River and Valley, from Lookout

Corbin listening to Yvon Chouinard at base

River Run Plaza

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