Thursday, July 31, 2014

TSS Pickup

On Wednesday 7/23, Corb and I and the Greens went to TSS to pick up Brady and Lucie.  After a short presentation by the kids and a slideshow, we headed back over the pass for the promised lunch at Big Hole BBQ!  On the drive to lunch, Brady enthusiastically shared many stories.  Many laughs!  His recurring theme was "I'd definitely do that again!"  That was just the beginning of a really fabulous day and a half for the three of us.  We sat on the rooftop at BH BBQ.  Brady ate his brisket melt and then finished Dylan's fish tacos!  Hungry boy.  Side note:  I had their Philly Steak Tacos and loved them so much that I've since recreated them at home with TWR "fajita meat" - a definite repeat!

After lunch, we went home to unpack, air out gear, do laundry, and rest.  Brady grilled burgers for dinner, then we headed down to the Teton Springs pool.  Lisa Smith Batchen had invited a bunch of people to listen to the Miller Sisters sing and to celebrate her amazing accomplishment - the Badwater Quad (584miles, "Badwater 4 Good Water").  I got to hang out with my friends and meet Karee Miller's new baby (we brought gifts of books and puzzles for baby and big sisters), Brady had fun in the pool, and Corbin was a very patient and wonderful husband!  From TS, the three of us headed to the Spud Drive-In to see "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes."  Brady really wanted to go to the drive-in, and I have to say that the movie was much better than I expected!  The highlight of the night was seeing the sky so full of stars, after Brady had told us of the night sky he experienced while backpacking.  I guess I just haven't stayed up late enough to appreciate the amazing night sky here!

I felt so much joy today.  Brady came home so happy and so excited to share with us.  I was just overwhelmed by how much my boy is growing up to be a wonderful young man.  True joy in this mom's heart.

Brady and Lucie!


Brady & Caden - "share a Coke with your BFF!"

Chad, Lucie, Corb, Dylan

Hungry Boy!

Welcome Home sign

Susy, Nancy, Lisa, Tammy & Heather at TS

Brady, Will, Tim

Playing Frisbee, waiting for movie to start, Spud Drive-In

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