Thursday, July 31, 2014

Taylor Mountain with Susy and Jeff

Scheduling time with Susy and Jeff has been tricky this summer.  Susy and the kids are here (from Boulder) for a good bit of the summer, but Jeff has been working and only made it here for a couple of weekends so far.  One thing they definitely wanted to do was get in a decent hike with us.  Sunday 7/27 was our opportunity.  Not wanting to venture too far, we agreed on Taylor Mountain.  We've done it before, but this time we went up a different route - the boot pack up the ridge - then came down the more common trail.  Good exercise, gorgeous views, great time catching up with friends.  Elsa watched all of the kids at the Russells' house, which accomplished the other goal of the day -- get the kids together for a good bit of time.  We were on trail by about 8:30am and back to the Russells' by 2pm.  After showers and rest, Connor, Margaret and I met Susy and her kids at church (5pm Mass).  It was a beautiful service and, a surprise to us, Karee and Jason's baby was baptized at the service.  I love this church - so pretty, awesome music, good community.
Nancy and Susy

Jeff and Corbin, scramble to "false summit"

Jeff, Corbin, Susy at summit

Corbin & Nancy, summit

Connor and Will (and Tim's thumb) outside church

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