Thursday, August 18, 2011


The first time I climbed Glory was the day Corb and I put an offer in on our home and could only wait. He suggested a hike, so off we went with 4-month-old Brady in the Baby Bjorn. The trail up Glory Mt starts at the top of Teton Pass, which is at about 8500'. The trail goes pretty much straight up to the summit at about 10,000'. So it's relatively short and very steep - a great way to get up high quickly! From the top of Glory we could see Teton Valley Idaho, Jackson Hole, and the Teton Mountains. While I carried Brady up, I insisted that Corb carry him down since the footing was so uncertain - steep and easy to slide.

I really thought the boys were ready for this hike this summer, but I also knew that they'd need some encouragement. The best way to get and keep them going was to be sure we went with friends. We were finally able to make that happen today. Susy and I took her three oldest (Elsa, Ann, Will) with Brady and Connor. Since Heather couldn't make it today because of work, we also took Reagan along. Corbin was a good sport and stayed home with Maggie and Tim.

About half-way up, there is a great rock for climbing, and even those who seemed to be dragging at that point perked right up to climb the rock. When we weren't sure if everyone could quite summit, the promise of a "surprise" spurred everyone to new speed. The kids loved the fort (the surprise) at the top! We went through about 8 packets of sport beans (or similar energy snacks) and countless M&Ms. The kids love to consider which color beans give which energy - speed, endurance, balance, etc! They devour all of them.

The hike down proved challenging at moments, but another climb on the rock was helpful. We played some "camp games" on the way up and down and the kids told lots of jokes and stories. We did run low on water on the way down, but the milkshakes at the Emporium made up for that! We even brought milkshakes home for Maggie and Tim.

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