Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pig Wrestling

The message from Heather was, "Hey, if you are up for something REALLY fun, call me back." Next thing I knew I was on a pig wrestling team for the Teton County Fair competition on Monday 8/1. Both boys were invited onto teams; while Brady enthusiastically jumped at the chance, Connor declined.
Monday morning Brady and I made a trip to the thrift store for some extra clothes, having heard that they might use grease on the pigs. Monday afternoon Gary and Sue arrived and Monday evening we headed to the fairgrounds. There were 4 categories of competition: Pee Wee, Juniors, Mens, Womens. Teams of 4 had 1 minute to catch the pig and place it in a barrel, butt down. The pen was filled with a clay-mud and watered down in between teams, and the pigs were lathered up with the clay-mud mixture.

As it turned out, the juniors was the most competitive category. Brady's team did extremely well, but did not place in spite of being quite fast. The women went last, and we were the last team to go. The weather turned on us, with storm clouds closing in. It got cold and started raining. I felt bad for family in the stands, and Brady hosed down after his competition. But there was no turning back. Heather, Susy, Tammy and I entered the ring ready for a fight. We got a good draw; the pig had little fight in him and we were not going to give in that easy. We were so happy to just have gotten him into the barrel that time was not on our minds. It turned out we accomplished our task in about 7 seconds and WON first place in our division. We hope to gather next week for dinner with our $175 winnings.

This might have been the highlight of my summer :-)

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